
29 and 20 more years of experience

Today is my birthday and what is a birthday if you cannot give a present?
Leave a comment on this post describing what the word ‘gift’ means to you and I will draw a winner next Sunday 10th November 2013 AEST.


  • The O's

    A gift is something given, whether it be with meaning, through obligation or a talent it is given without money and with no intention of 'repayment'. That's how it works in my life anyway!

  • Michelle Ridgway

    Happy birthday Jane. I hope you have a wonderful day. A gift to me is an unexpected offering given from the heart….a word, an experience, a kindness or something tied with a bow. Wishing you them all xxx

  • Paula

    Happy birthday, hope you have a wonderful day and thank you for the giveaway. A gift to me is something from the heart, something that has thought and meaning behind it. It doesn't have to be large, it doesn't have to be expensive, but it should be meaningful. The most cherished are often the simplest, the flowers (probably weeds) my son picked from the garden, the pretty stone he found on his walk, the drawing he drew. Simple but full of love.

  • Fiona

    Happy Birthday Jane….. hope you have a wonderful day and how sweet of you to want to share it with us!!
    To me a 'gift' is something given with thought and love …..
    Now I hope you are off to do something that involves a lot of fun! and start making preparations for a landmark birthday next year!

  • Sarah Craig

    Happy birthday!! Of course, there's the standard meaning (aka birthday gift) but I like the thought of the gifts (aka talents) we are given to use! I'm blessed to be able to use my gifts to help others – so I think those are the best kind!!

  • Mary Grace McNamara

    A gift is something special and meaningful you give to someone without expecting anything in return, out of the kindness of your heart and with love for the recipient. Happy birthday to you!


  • Lisa Marie

    Happy Birthday! A gift, be it a material object or something less tangible, is an expression of the giver's caring for the intended recipient. At least when I give gifts, I hope that's what they are. That's why quilts and handmade items are such precious gifts, because of the caring that goes into making them. And to a quilter, fabric is always a welcome gift because we get to enjoy using it to make something and then enjoy using or giving away the finished product. So very kind of you to offer a gift, thanks for the chance!

  • juceyj03

    TO YOU!!!
    A fife is something given to someone to let then know that you were thinking about them for whatever the reason may be. I truly love giving gifts, even more so now that I sew/quilt because giving handmade is the BEST!!
    Thank you so much for the chance at your giveaway!

  • DianeY

    A real gift for me doesn't come on my birthday or Christmas necessarily. I love the totally unexpected especially when someone says they saw something that reminded them of me and had to get it

  • Lisa

    Happy happy birthday! A gift to me is time with my daughter who now lives in Melbourne to go to university. I don't see her half as much as I'd like to so am so looking forward to seeing her next weekend. Probably too much information but I'm excited!

  • Gale, Ky quilter

    Happy birthday!!!! A gift to me means something given without thought of getting anything in return. You can give your love and kindness, a hug and a smile . . . something only felt on the inside but certainly shows on the outside. Those are the best kind. But fabric is a close second to all of these if you're a quilter. 🙂

  • Raelene

    Happy birthday, Jane! Hope you have a wonderful day, also thanks for the giveaway. A gift to me means something given from the heart, something that has a special meaning and something that has thought behind it.

  • Quilt Kitty

    Happy birthday Jane! A gift is the giving of something that will hopefully result in pleasure, feelings of worth and a human bond in both the receiver and the giver. That's why we love swaps & giveaways! xxx

  • Michele T

    Sending you Happy Birthday wishes and hoping your day was special!! To me a gift is something thoughtful and memorable… Something that will be treasured and it doesn't have to be wrapped with pretty paper and a ribbon.

  • Ella

    Happy birthday! A gift is something (even something as small as a picked wildflower) that reminds you that someone thinks you are special or important to someone else.

  • GranChris

    Happy Birthday! A gift is anything you didn't expect that makes you smile and giggle a little. It might be a card, a smile, a phone call, a trinket, a new toy or something homemade. Sometimes it's just that I Love You.

  • usagypsy

    To me a gift can be many things. A random act of kindness. A kiss and a hug from your child. A beautiful day. A special talent. A good friend and even a sloppy lick from your best fur buddy.

  • Vicki Posten

    First of all…Happy Birthday Jane!!!!A gift is something that makes one happy. Something as simple as a smile or a hug. Maybe getting to see a rainbow after a bad storm. The best gift I have received in a long time is my grand daughter!

  • Sooli

    Happy birthday Jane! To me a gift is anything you give to someone with no thought of anything in return, other than good feelings about brightening someone else's day! I hope you have a wonderful day!

  • Wendy

    Happy Birthday to you! May you have a day filled with love, happiness and family in abundance. To me a gift is something given from the heart. It does not necessarily have to be something extravagant or come from a store. Sometimes it is a smile, a word of encouragement, a text message, a goodie bag. A beautiful sunrise/sunset. A simple thank you. The list can go on and on. To me the most precious gift is when out of the blue someone thinks enough of you to contacts you and lets you know that you are special.

  • Rachelle

    Happy Birthday! A gift is something given with love and with no expectation of anything in return, except possibly a hug (depending on the recipient). It does not need to have monetary value, it can be a service or an item.

  • Tess

    Happy birthday! My third child shares the day, and turned 1 🙂 I am in the process of trying to teach my children about gifts – something you give with great thought to another. they are a bit young for the concept of one's time being a gift though.

  • Leanne V

    Happy Birthday Jane, I had a birthday on Thursday!! A gift is something given with love and kindness for any reason or no reason, and no obligation>

  • Aureas Kitchen

    Happy birthday to you. For me a gift means love, but also appreciation. It's time spent in thinking what you like the most, what you need the most and all of this means so much love.

  • Barbara

    Happy happy birthday jane. I cannot tell you how many times I have used your Tutorials page. Your work in writing all of those is GREATLY appreciated by me.

  • Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet

    A gift is something given to someone without them knowing it is coming, and needing no repayment from it either. It can be something someone unwraps, a meal for a sick neighbor, snowblow an elderly neighbors driveway, etc.

  • Nancy Sue

    Happy birthday Jane! Hmmmm this question really makes you think. Asking DH, and 6 yr old son, (ok and the dog) what their thoughts were, I realized there is no dictionary worthy answer. At first I thought it was something tangible someone would not buy for themselves. Then there is service, talent, well-wishes, and the gift of prayer. Thank you for the gift of this question. I'm going to spend some more time pondering on it 🙂 Hope your birthday is a happy one, and "gift" filled 🙂

  • Lorene Holbrook

    lovely give away! thanks for the chance. a gift can be a physical thing or not. sometimes, I appreciate the gift of a smile, a kind word or time means so much more. but a gift always means that someone cares.

  • Charlotte

    The best part of a gift is the smile on the person's face when you give them something just perfect for them that touches their heart. Happy Birthday fellow Scorpion – my birthday is Nov 10th … would love to win some fabric for my double nickel birthday – yikes!!!

  • Gina

    When I think about the word "gift" I have thoughts of things like time , generosity, love , compassion, a gift from the heart . It isn't measured in monetary value nor size . It is something as small as a rose picked from the garden and placed next to the bed of someone who is coming to stay or time spent with someone listening to stories from yesteryear.

  • sandyb

    Happy Birthday!!! A gift is something that is given from the heart with no expectation of a return gesture. It can be given to a friend or family member or a cup of coffee to a total stranger who looks a little down behind you at DD.

  • Jeri Niksich

    Happy Birthday! A gift means making someone happy to brighten their day and to let them know they mean something special to you. I would rather give a gift & watch their expression than to receive a 100 gifts for me.

  • Marlene

    Parabéns, feliz aniversário. Eu acho que a vida é o melhor presente de todas e a graça de possuir dons e habilidades. Agradeço o presente que recebik em gostar de fazer peças bonitas e poder oferecer de presente aos amigos.

  • Lori

    Happy Birthday
    To me the word "gift" is something special that I give to someone else to brighten their day. It can be a present for a birthday etc, it can be a smile, a word of encouragement, a helping hand, etc. I love to "gift" other people to see their face light up and know that they matter to me and others.

  • Crickets Corner

    Happy Birthday! To me a gift is something given to you that you are not expecting. It could be the gift of time, a smile, knowledge, or even the beauty of nature. A physical gift is given without expectation of receiving anything in return and always because it reminds you of the person who will be receiving it and makes you as happy as they are.

  • VickiT

    Happy Birthday Jane! I hope you have the best day.

    A gift to me is something given from the heart, whether it IS your heart or anything else you give to someone without the expectation of anything in return.

  • acunningplot

    I have typically overthought this. At first I was all "a gift is an expression of love" but if we're all being honest, occasionally a gift feels like an obligation. And although I love giving gifts, I don't think there's anyone in the world that hasn't been disappointed on opening a gift to find out it wasn't what you wanted (especially when we were kids and got bizarre things from crazy old aunts and uncles). And that in turn led me to one of my absolute favourite poems, by EV Rieu:

    The Hippopotamus’s Birthday

    He has opened all his parcels
    but the largest and the last;
    His hopes are at their highest
    and his heart is beating fast.
    O happy Hippopotamus,
    what lovely gift is here?
    He cuts the string. The world stands still.
    A pair of boots appear!

    O little Hippopotamus,
    the sorrows of the small!
    He dropped two tears to mingle
    with the flowing Senegal;
    And the ‘Thank you’ that he uttered
    was the saddest ever heard
    In the Senegambian jungle
    from the mouth of beast or bird.

    So what does a gift mean for me? It means matching the perfect thing for the perfect person, and seeing that smile of recognition when they open it, instead of hippopotamus tears.

  • acunningplot

    I have typically overthought this, and have come to one of my favourite poems, by EV Rieu:

    The Hippopotamus’s Birthday

    He has opened all his parcels
    but the largest and the last;
    His hopes are at their highest
    and his heart is beating fast.
    O happy Hippopotamus,
    what lovely gift is here?
    He cuts the string. The world stands still.
    A pair of boots appear!

    O little Hippopotamus,
    the sorrows of the small!
    He dropped two tears to mingle
    with the flowing Senegal;
    And the ‘Thank you’ that he uttered
    was the saddest ever heard
    In the Senegambian jungle
    from the mouth of beast or bird.

    So for me, a gift is something that makes the recipient smile with delight when they receive it, instead of shedding hippopotamus tears.

  • Karen in Breezy Point

    I think a gift is thoughtfulness– sometimes it is just nice to be remembered. I was at a retreat in October that just happened to overlap my birthday. I never mentioned it, but someone remembered and I woke up in the morning to find my Bernina decorated, some cute "quilty" gifts and a cake! It wasn't expected and it made me feel pretty special!

  • Christine M

    Happy birthday Jane. A gift is something you give from the heart. I always love to give something I know the person would love but would never buy it for themselves.

  • Anda W

    Our family does not go overboard on special occasions. We consider a gift to be something cherished, if you need time to make a gift list then obviously you don't need it that badly…I love to make handcrafted gifts to give….

  • Laura

    Happy birthday Miss Jane! A gift is a feeling of happiness when you receive something from the heart. Or something like that…

  • Sue

    happy birthday Jane, hope you had a great day, I was driving home to Melbourne from Sydney.

    A gift is something given freely with no strings attached or something wanted in return

  • leanne

    hope you had a great birthday 🙂

    The meaning of gift – here it is 🙂

    Goodness I love you
    I really do
    Forever and ever
    Through and through

    have a great week !

  • Nikita

    It could be something material, shared wisdom our love from those around you..all in all it sis a way of letting someone you know or may not know that you care. and it should come without any strings or attachments.

  • Carolyn

    Happy birthday for yesterday Jane. It is so special to give a gift for absolutely no reason at all! Hope you had a wonderful day and received many gifts!

  • Catskill Quilter

    A gift is something given freely to a particular person, without expectation of another item given to you. It is, hopefully, something without strings attached, and is often given for a special occasion – birthday, anniversary, etc.

  • Gemini Jen NZ

    How kind of you to give the gift on your own birthday! Gift to me is a verb – we can gift ourselves through a kind act, or sharing a talent to teach others, or providing something material that someone needs or would love. Best wishes!

  • pennydog

    I heard an interesting definition from Dave Gorman recently. He says a gift is something you wouldn't buy for yourself, but a present is, so socks is a present but a novelty ornament is a gift. So this giveaway is definitely a present!

  • Chiska

    Happy Birthday. A gift is has always meant the perfect thing at an unexpected time. Lately I have been thinking that more than a thing it is the a part of self given at the perfect time.

  • Deb

    Happy Birthday! A gift is anything that you can give to another individual without expecting something in return….or that simple smile I get from my granddaughter!

  • Linda Crosby

    Happy Bithday to You!!.. A gift is something given freely from the heart without looking for something in return. I am blessed to have five grandchildren that give me gifts daily without them even knowing that they do!!!


    I love to gift and to receive gifts. They don't have to be big or expensive. It truly is the "thought that counts". Gifts mean that you are thinking of someone who isn't with you at the moment and who means a lot to you. A true gift is meaningful and not something you feel you have to give.

  • Michele

    Happy, happy birthday! I'm the same number as you.

    Gift to me means deep in your heart and the most precious gift I can give or receive is a hug.

  • Ali w

    a gift is something given to another. It can be tangible or abstract. The receiver is not always a person, entity or thing, the receiver can also be abstract. Sometimes the giver and/or the receiver don't even know that the gift transaction has occurred, and it takes a long time to dawn on one or the other that the transfer happened. Those are my favourite gifts – the ones you don't cotton on to until much later when you realise what you have been given and how grateful you are for it

  • Lydia

    A gift is the joy you receive in giving of yourself and seeing the pleasure it brings to others. A gift is experiencing the happiness your receipt of another's gift brings to them.

  • Michele BaDour

    I certainly enjoyed reading through, and pretty much agree with, everyone's definitions. Everyday we wake up is a gift…and with what we do and say, we hopefully pass that gift along

    Hope you enjoyed your day!

  • Pinspot

    A verb or a noun, gift is a versatile word if you think about it. I immediately think of talents when I hear the word gifts. I usually say presents when I talk about the things you give others. So for me, gifts are abilities given by or inherited from God, to make it easier to serve others. 🙂

  • SewLindaAnn

    Happy Birthday!!! Gift to me is something extra, unexpected and not to be taken for granted. It could be a moment, another breath, an item, pretty much anything.

  • Lori Kay

    A gift is a talent that is given to you. Sometimes you are born with the gift, inherited from your family – and everyone can see it right away. Sometimes you develop a gift by coming in contact with people and things around you. I think my gift developed over time. I have a gift for color and making lovely, unique quilts.

  • Rebecca Vavic

    A gift to me means to create something with love… right now I am making a quilt for my sister who is having a babe in a few weeks… I am gathering lots of gifts for her, and it's the BEST !! I am loving it !
    *Happy Birthday* to you!

  • Mom C

    Hi Jane, happy Birthday. Done much traveling lately? A gift could be anything you give or receive from another. It could be material or non physical. It doesn't have to be acknowledged to be given and sometimes you receive a gift without the other person knowing it has been given. Thanks for asking, gift is a great word. Have a wonderful month.

  • Pat V.

    A gift is something you give to someone else with no expectation of receiving anything in return. It is a manifestation of caring and love.

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