
Wild Queensland Weather

After a horrible heatwave and bush fires, the state has now been struck with cyclonic winds and torrential rain. Some towns have been badly affected by the torrent of water and are at risk of losing everything to the rising rivers and flood waters again.
This is what it looks like at our place. We lost power for 22 hours and spent our night with lanterns, candles and torches sharing all the food from our fridges with the neighbourhood. Thank goodness for gas BBQ’s. It is amazing what you can cook on them.
As a consequence of the 135km wind gusts, we lost 4 large conifers on the boundary fence and we had water damage from a leaky window upstairs that has damaged the kitchen ceiling.

We back onto a river which is usually more of a stream but we have had so much water in 3 days it has turned into a raging river. I almost wanted to get out my raft and go whitewater rafting.

We live next door to an environmental centre which has a large lake. There was an incredible amount of excess water overflow which has caused our mini version of Niagara Falls.

The wind is subsiding and the rain easing but the airports are all closed. My relatives in Sydney have just called to say it is moving south and they are bracing for the storms tonight.
Stay safe everyone.


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