Teach me to Machine Quilt
Today is my turn in the Mega Fun Book Tour with Pat Sloan. My dear friend Pat combines her wealth of knowledge as an experienced quilter and vibrant, unique creations into her 3rd Teach Me To books.
This is Pat’s 33rd book in 16 years. Teach Me Machine Quilting is a step by step guide in learning how to use your straightline (walking foot) or free-motion to finish your quilts. Suitable for the beginner or like me, someone that wants to break free from stitch in the ditch or straight line quilting on a domestic machine.
I have all Pat’s ‘Teach me to’ series. I love the easy to follow instructions and photos in Pat’s book, a recipe that has made them one of the most successful beginners books for quilters. The book also, includes on-line video links to enhance the learning experience.
Visit Pat’s blog for details on how to win a copy of this book. Martingale are giving away hardcopies and digital copies (for overseas winners).
Visit all of Pat’s 41 friends on the tour. November 26th is a specal day.
Nov 18
- Bonnie Hunter quiltville.blogspot.com/
- Pam Vieira-McGinnis pamkittymorning.blogspot.com/
- Alyce Blyth www.blossomheartquilts.com/
- Kimberly Einmo www.kimberlyeinmo.com/blog
Nov 19
- American Patchwork & Quilting Magazine www.allpeoplequilt.com/blog
- Mathew Boudreaux misterdomestic.net/ and instagram.com/misterdomestic/
- Moda – Carrie Nelson blog.modafabrics.com/
Nov 20
- Amy Smart www.diaryofaquilter.com/ with an Interview
- Katja Marek of www.katjasquiltshoppe.com/ visit www.facebook.com/Katjas-Quilt-Shoppe and www.instagram.com/katja_marek/
Nov 21
- Lee Monroe www.maychappell.com/
- Jacquelynne Steves jacquelynnesteves.com/blog/
- Stephanie Palmer latenightquilter.com/
- Mary Abreu instagram.com/thatcraftaddict/
Nov 22
- Sarah Maxwell of www.homesteadhearth.com/ Visit designsbysarahj.wordpress.com/ with a Giveaway!
- Debby Brown higheredhands.blogspot.com/
- Jane Davidson quiltjane.com/
- Linda Thielfoldt lindathielfoldtthequiltedgoose.blogspot.com/
- Janet Clare janetclare.co.uk/blog/
- Baby Lock www.facebook.com/babylocksewing and instagram.com/babylocksewing/
Nov 23
- Cheryl Brickey meadowmistdesigns.blogspot.com/
- Helen Stubbings hugsnkisses.typepad.com/
- Kimberly Jolly of www.fatquartershop.com visit fatquartershop.blogspot.com/ and www.instagram.com/fatquartershop/
Nov 25
- Sherri McConnell www.aquiltinglife.com/
- Julie Karasek of www.patchedworks.com/ visit fabricjules.blogspot.
com/ - Ebony Love lovebugstudios.com/blog/
- Martingale blog.shopmartingale.com/
Nov 26 – Pat’s Birthday!!!
- Scott Hansen bluenickelstudios.com/
- Victoria findlay Wolfe bumblebeansinc.blogspot.com/
Nov 28
- Amy Friend www.duringquiettime.com
- Heather Valentine thesewingloftblog.com/
- Melissa Corry www.happyquiltingmelissa.com/
- Amy Ellis www.amyscreativeside.com/
Nov 29
- Aurifil Erin Sampson auribuzz.wordpress.com/
- Christa Watson christaquilts.com/
- Nancy Zieman www.nancyzieman.com/blog/ – Sharing a project
- Amanda Niederhauser www.jedicraftgirl.com/
Nov 30
- Kim Niedzwiecki www.gogokim.com/
- Karen Miller karensquiltscrowscardinals.blogspot.com/
- Wendy Sheppard ivoryspring.wordpress.com/
- Brenda M. Ratliff of Pink Castle Fabrics visit www.pinkcastleblog.com/
And be Sure you Signed up for Pat’s Club Newsletter AND join her My Online Quilting Classroom

pat sloan
Thank you for being part of my tour… smooch!!
My pleasure … Smooch.
Carol Kuse
Your new book sounds great. Just as your other books have been. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and then a Happier Birthday.
Janet Sabol
Thanks for being part of Pat’s Book Tour. It would be great to win a copy of her book and if not, I’ll just have to check it out by buying it!
Thank you. Good luck in the draw.
I’m going to put your Teach Me to books on my Christmas list! Hope Santa is reading this Ho, Ho, Ho!
Happy Birthday for the 26th, and Seasons Greetings for the Festive Season.
I hope Santa is reading your list too. Thank you for the birthday wishes.
Deb Enders
This book is definitely going on my ‘must have’ list! Hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful, and Pat, hope you have a happy birthday!
Thank you very much. I had a lovely birthday this year.
Pam McDonald
I just love this tour!! Thanks so much and have a great Turkey day.
Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving.
Great review! Thanks Jane for all your help & designs in the Dpmendid Sampler! Hugs!
Thank you Janet. I am so glad you are sewing along with Pat and I.