
Share the Love (Fabric of Course) – #2 Giveaway

This weeks giveaway is six (6) FQ’s from the Sugar Flower series from Lecien. This is such a summery and delicious fabric collection.

To win this lovely bundle of sweetness all you have to do is answer the following question:

What is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to you?

I will be choosing a winner next Saturday ( AEST ). Remember to leave a way I can contact you. Good Luck.


  • LesQuilts

    We are married 34 years!
    A family member took pictures, bought new equipment to take pictures, none turned out! We only have pictures friends took and gave us! Last year, we were looking at the few pictures we have, and I said to my husband "You never told me you liked me wedding dress!"
    He said "What?!?"
    You were beautiful, so beautiful!"
    Take care, Leslie

  • Michjeff

    The sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me was when I was married, age 22, pregnant with my second child, and someone asked me what grade I was in school.

  • free indeed

    Hubby recently told someone that I was the best mother compaired to my DILs and daughter. For being a nurturer and raising wonderful kids (we had six), they all pale in comparison. I know that sounds prideful, but I was so pleased that he finally saw the worth of my labor…he wasn't so 'appreciative' back then…but he sees how much his sons have to do compared to what was required of him I guess…anyway, it's nice to be appreciated even though 30 yrs has gone by now…:)

  • Lucky-1

    My girlfriends said they love me for "me' and not because I am someone's wife or someone's mother.

    It made me cry….:)

    Thanks for the chance to win


  • BubzRugz

    Nothing sweeter than a cuddle and "I love you" from a child of mine ….. mmmmm … maybe there is…. a cuddle and "I love you" from a grandchild….

    Another lovely, lovely giveaway… thanks…

  • pirate

    My husband of 32 recently told one of our adult daughters that I was the person you'd want around in an emergency … I was calm, collected, could think clearly and get things done.

    Totally unsolicited and my jaw just dropped! I certainly don't think of myself that way but was tickled pink to realize that *he* did to the extent of explicitly pointing this out to our daughter. 🙂

    Not terribly romantic, but after 32 years, other characteristics have more meaning. 🙂

  • Brita

    My husband of 32 years said he'd marry me again. Does it get any better than that? Love the giveaway fabrics — I've suddenly fallen in love with girly-girl, romantic floral fabrics!

  • Carolyn

    Mine is sorta long. When my 1st husband and I were dating, on Valentine's Day I gave him a card with a puppy on it that said, "if I followed you home would you keep me?". On our 18th wedding anniversary, in my card he wrote "even after all these years, I'd still take you home and keep you." I've saved that card forever, as he was killed in an accident less than a month later.

    Thank you for a wonderful giveaway!

  • jennifer

    When I was growing up we didn't have many close neighbors. When I grew up I worked in a retail store and one of my thid neighbor called and I answered the phone. She said Jennifer, I just love you and when you were little I told my husband that if we have a little girl I hope she's just like you. Luckily they had boys:)

  • Katie M.

    The sweetest thing ever said to me – I was full 9 months pregnant with my first child, huge and feeling about as ugly as a woman can feel. I'd picked up my hubby from work and we were giving one of his co workers a ride home. The guy looked at me and said "You look wonderful. A pregnant woman is the most femine she'll ever be." I needed that so much at the time and it really boosted my spirits as I went into 'overtime' carrying my baby!

  • Quilt Kitty

    While I live in Aussie, all my remaining family is in NZ. In April my 10 year old cousin had a birthday & telling me of her party said, I wished you were here Tracee, so I put a photograph of you in the room with us so you were. Made me cry of course. I am loving the fabric! Thanks Tracee xx

  • Happy Cottage Quilter

    My daughter used to teach beginner violin students. One little boy had a little sister that would stay with Mom while brother took lessons. As they were leaving, this precious little sister asked MY daughter – How come you live with your sister? I could have kissed the sweet thing 🙂

  • Christine

    My little grand daughter Sophie told me that she loves me.
    It is the most beautiful thing to hear from a little one and she just said it out of the blue.

    Still feeling under the weather but enjoy reading the blogs.


  • overbyel

    More eatmeal please mommy. That and the other cute ways kids mix up their words. This was said by my 15 year old when she was about three. Thanks for the memory. The fabric is beautiful too. Please email me to contact me. 4overby@gmail.com. thanks again!

  • Stephany

    My husband once called me his "orchid". He said I was tough as nails, grow in horrible conditions, but yet I am rare, delicate, and beautiful 🙂 I was eating this up for sure!

  • Sue

    Having very good friend say can we go join another church, cause we want to keep you as friends. Steve DH is a Baptist Minister and our now best friends wanted to keep it that way, they had been friends with the minister in another church and when thing went haywire the friendship was no more.
    This is a precious relationship as they are my grand childrens extra grandparents and good friend to have.

  • Liz

    My son on his first "away from home "job……………How much washing powder do I put in the machine. Truth was he wanted to let me know he missed me.

  • If Toys Could Talk

    Every night I say prayers with my daughter. I always ask God to bless her, her baby brother and her daddy. A few weeks ago, I asked her if there's somebody special that she'd like to ask God to bless. She smiled and said, "You!"

    She melted my heart. 😀

    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! 🙂 sleepachu at hotmail dot com

  • Barbara

    My son said, "i tell all my friends that my mom makes the best mashed potatoes."

    I said, "everybody thinks their mom makes the best mashed potatoes."

    My son said, "Well, they're wrong."

  • Sunnybec

    It's not so much what someone said as what someone did for me. On Mother's Day a special (younger) friend sent me a Mother's Day card because she wanted me to know she was thinking of me on that day. As I don't have any children of my own and as this is my one and only Mother's Day card…it was very very special.

  • Cute as Buttons

    Well, like lots of people have mentioned, I LOVE YOU are 3 of the sweetest words you ever hear! However they aren't the words I'm going to choose.

    We have waited a very long time for our darling Molly to speak. Not long ago we found out that she has Childhood Apraxia hence the long wait. The day she said "NO DAD" brought tears to my eyes. Her Dad waited over 3 years to hear her say Dad! I've never seen him so happy to be argued with.

    On a side note, Jane, YOU'VE WON would also be pretty sweet ;).

  • ♥Duff

    My ex boyfriend recently told me, "I love you. I will always love you. You were the greatest love of my life." This wouldn't be such a big deal but we dated for 11 years and in that time he did not say "I love you" once. (And no, he does not want to come back!)

  • Karen Wilson

    Whilst I have been told many sweet things over the course of my life, I can not recall any specific ones right now. I know there have been times that I've had the warm fuzzy feeling from something someone has said, but I don't remember the words, only the feeling.

    I just asked my husband to tell me something sweet so I could write a quote and qualify for the giveaway. He said "you've got good boobs"! I guess that's sweet in man-speak. I hope that counts 😉

  • Melinda

    When hubbie and I were dating, I did the ultimate bad and told him I wouldn't date him forever. When he asked me to marry him, he asked if I would do that very thing. And I did.

  • Jessica

    When I was substitute teaching and student teaching (this happened twice, once in a high school and once in 2nd grade) – a student asked if I could come back and be their teacher. I'm not going to be a certified, working teacher with a degree until next year, but this truly touched me!

  • Crafty Stitches

    In the early 70's I was about to be married and I wanted to be truthful with my mother-in-law so I told her that I was pregnant and I felt bad for not waithing until we were married, she was so sweet and made me feel so good, she told me only good girls had babies!


  • Stamps & Stitches

    When i was in college, i was very very shy and didn't hang out with people very much. i was very insecure about my looks too. One day in the library I was studying in the corner and an upperclassman guy walked up to me and said, "i just wanted you to know that you are a very beautiful girl" and then he walked away. I didn't even know him and i never talked to him after but it made my day and it was one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me. =)

  • SewLindaAnn

    The sweetest thing was when my son (18) was talking about a friend with a maturity issue told me that obviously his parent's didn't talk to him as much as we did. Nothing like a parenting affirmation when your children get older.

  • Frances

    Becoming a first time mum at 42 was a WOW momment so when I get out of the blue, "I LOVE you Mum" it is very sweet! Thanks for the chance to win some beautiful fabric.

  • Stamps & Stitches

    i posted this yeseterday, but can't find it in the comments:

    in college i had very low self esteem and was very shy. One day in the library i was studying in a corner and an upperclassman guy came up to me, knelt in front of me and said, "i just wanted to let you know that you are very beautiful". he walked away leaving me speechless. i didn't know him and didn't talk to him again. it was just something that brightened my day and made me feel so much better. =)

    love the giveaway! i haven't won one yet. here's hoping!

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