
More birthday blocks arrive

Thank you everyone for your generosity. It was lovely to return from Sydney to find a mountain of envelopes from Aus, CAN,  USA and Europe.
My lovely block makers for this post are:
Lesley Gubery (UK) made me 2 blocks
ToujoursMoi (Germany)
Jennifer B
Shirley R
Susan B (UK)
Patti S (Can)
If you would like to make me a special 50th birthday block the details can be found here.
For something totally unrelated, this afternoon while I was cleaning my quilt room, I started pulling together my red and white stash for an upcoming guild challenge. I am sure I have more but I will have to start looking out for some more prints. There is something so joyful about reds and whites. What is your favourite white and colour combination?


  • gnomeangel

    I am a sucker for the red and white. (I got married in red – it's my fave colour!) I was looking at my stash while moving it all and I have surprisingly little red and white. I need to rectify that. I loved those apples that you found in Sydney. Can't wait to see what you make!

  • Jeneta

    The only quilt kit I have ever bought – last Christmas and it is still untouched – is red and white. So I guess I like red and white (though I think any bright colour looks great with white. Oh and black too!).

  • Béa

    I don't know why I haven't see the post for birthday blocks….I make & send mine today, I love how you would make your quilt, a lovely idea I will take for myself. Joyeux anniversaire XXX !

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