
Yard Sale

It is time to let go of my massive collection of ‘all things fabric’ and have a Yard Sale (aka Garage Sale). I have lots of 1/2 yards, fat quarters, pre-cuts in every colourway and design for sale. There is six years of quality cottons waiting to be re homed and loved. You might even find that rare piece of fabric you have been searching the world for.

” I must sell all my fabrics to make way for the new”

Date: Saturday, 9th October 2010

Time:  2 – 4.30 pm
Venue:  My Garage

1/2 yard = $5, Fatquarter = $2.50, Charm Squares = $5,
Layer Cakes = $22, Honey Buns = $17, Twice the Charms – $22, Bali Pops = $22, Jelly Roll = $22


I am in the Northern Brisbane area. To register your interest, please e-mail me I and I will give you the address details.

N.B – Scrap quilters are welcome to ask for smaller cuts if available. Minimum of 10 Fat 1/8ths.

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