Tuesday’s Treasure – 21st present
Growing up there are people who make such an impact on your life that you never forget them. This gorgeous tea set was given to me by Grandma and Grandpa Conway for my 21st. They were not even my own grandparents but I loved them dearly. Grandpa Conway was in his 90’s and read my tea leaves after school on my visits. He told the most thrilling stories of his adventures as a merchant sailor. Grandma would make me bacon and eggs. Those are beautiful memories I hope to keep for ever.

Grandma and Grandpa Conway sound like wonderful people and the tea set is delightful. Thanks so much for sharing
Bev C
Oh I do love your tea set and some very happy memories to go with it.
Happy days.
Michelle Ridgway
It's very special to have loving memories of people such as these. They'll always be close when you look at your teaset. Cheers
what beautiful memories from a beautiful tea set.
What a wonderful story about two people who obviously had an impact on your life , the tea set is adorable .
Sandy at Cookies and Cream Craft
Hi Jane, I'm just catching up with my blogs. They do pile up if you don't read them every day!
Oh, wow!! I love the tea set! What a cool gift, and wonderful memories from Nan and Pa. *grin*