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    Tuesdays Treasure – my mum

    My sister is going through all the old slides and converting them into digital format. I wanted to share this one photo of mum as a piper in her band when she was only 20. It is one of my…

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    Tuesdays Treasure – my sisters

    I come from a family of five girls, all born within 7 and 1/2 years. You can image what my poor mum and dad had to live through.  We all made it past adolescence and into adulthood, studied, married lovely…

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    Tuesday Treasure – Grevillea Robusta

    I am a big fan of Silky Oak or Grevillea Robusta. The wood has an oaky texture, which depending on the climate it is grown in,  ranges from white, pink and golden wood tones. I found this divine Silky Oak…

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    Tuesday’s Treasure – School Badges

    My eldest son was looking through my box of treasures, trinkets really, that I have kept from my childhood. He discovered three of my school badges. I had forgotten they were there. Perfect ( I mean Prefect ) and Vice…

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    Tuesday’s Treasure – 21st present

    Growing up there are people who make such an impact on your life that you never forget them. This gorgeous tea set was given to me by Grandma and Grandpa Conway for my 21st. They were not even my own…

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    Tuesday’s Treasure – Happy Hens

    My husband always thinks of something different for Anniversary presents and one year he gave me some Happy Hens. These little darlings are made in Portobello in NZ. I have even seen them in fabric. These are my happy hens.…

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    Tuesday’s Treasure – Mini Me

    Cleaning out a cupboard one day, I stumbled upon a rolled up piece of paper. On this paper was a charcoal portrait of my husband, sketched when he was only eight years old. The paper was slightly creased and yellowed…

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    Tuesday’s Teddy Treasure

    My two treasures – Jasper (showing very good self control and not chewing on Teddy) and Teddy. Teddy was my husbands much loved bear. He has seen better days and needs a bit of repair but to Pete  he is…

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    Tuesday’s Treasure

    My aunty Narn is a very talented doll maker and over the years she made many dolls and Christmas decorations for my mother (her dearest and oldest friend). My beautiful mother passed away two years ago. I miss her everyday.…