November Giveaway
Tomorrow is my birthday (3rd November). I love this day. To celebrate, I will be giving away one ‘A Walk in the Woods’ Layer Cake. This collection is not due for release until February 2012.
All you have to do is leave a comment with the answer to this question:
” What do you think the Big, Bad Wolf really said to
Little Red Riding Hood? “
Don’t forget to leave a way for me to contact you. Good luck!
Competition Ends : 30th November 2011 AEST
Open to everyone from all corners of the earth.

Happy Birthday! Since I'm international I'm not sure I qualify, but I'm going to say that the Big Bad Wolf didn't say one thing. He just looked at her with those eyes.
I wanted to tell you too that I've enjoyed looking around your blog. Thanks!
Sharon Pernes
Hope you have the most wonderful day Jane. Birthday's are just special no matter the age. Being a midwife I get to share lots of Birth days with new bundles. Hopefully I'll catch one for you tomorrow!
I think the big bad wolf said, "OOPS, forgot to take the falsies out!"
"Do you think I could pull off wearing that cape? It does not work well with your complexion but I am more of an Autumn tone"
is this open to international people? I think usually it's just Australian residents?
I think the Big Bad Wolf said,"Hello little girl! what? am I THAT big bag wolf? NO way. That was my brother, Joe. Not me. I'm just getting a bad rap. I'm vegetarian. Swearsies. May I borrow your cape? It's SO cute!"
Dana Gaffney
First, Happy Birthday, I hope you're planning a wonderful day.
BB Wolf: Love your cape sweetie, did Grandma make that for you? Do you have the pattern?
Well it wasn't really Red Riding Hood or the big bad wolf, it was you dressed as her from Halloween yet and the guy in disguise was Johnny Snapup, the guy that grabs all the goodies from Birthday girls. He said to her "Come closer you sweet little thing, I want to give you a hug for your birthday" and when she got close enough, he snatched her basket with the beautiful quilt in it and ran. The only hope of getting the quilt back was to track him in the snow but his tracks were already disappearing. So you just ran home, made another quilt with your story on it and now you are giving some of the beautiful fabric to one of us as your shared birthday treat. Now in 6 days, how am I to top this??? Must think quickly. Maybe find Johnny and get back your basket and give it away? Hmmmmm
Happy Birthday! I think the Big Bad Wolf really said, "Where did you get that wonderful red cape with the hood?"
Sarah Craig
Hey, hey, hey, little girl, whatcha got in that basket? (Channeling Fat Albert's voice….)
Have a wonderful birthday!!
yorkie mom
I think he probably asked her if she had any layer cakes, turn overs or fat quarters in her basket!
"Love the red coat. Can you make me one too?"
Happy birthday Jane! Happy birthday to me too (for Saturday).
Happy Cottage Quilter
Happy Birthday!!! What a great way to celebrate your birthday. I think the wolf said have a happy birthdayay to Red too
"Here's looking at you, kid."????
Melissa @ Happy Quilting
I think he said "Love the red cape but I think it would look especially nice if it was patchwork!!" Since everyone knows the big bad wolf was a closet quilter
"Come with me and I'll give you some chocolate"? I know I'd be fooled by that
Happy birthday to you and thank you for the giveaway. Walk in the woods is such a cute fabric!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
I think he asked Little Red if she would invite him to Grandma's house so he could work on a quilt with them.
Happy Happy Birthday!!
Marjorie's Busy Corner
LOl…never thought about it….Happy Birthday to you….now what could he have said? "Drop that basket,quick;before I lose my nerve"…hahaha
"What do you think the Big, Bad Wolf really said to Little Red Riding Hood? "
I think he really said "Hey! Look over there! What is that?" and proceeding to grandma's house as fast as a speeding bullet lol
Lee Ann
"Red, you're spoiling everything! I was a good wolf until you came along. You look too delicious and I. just. can't. resist. Give me your lovely fabric and I'll let you go!"
Gotta go with, "you sure are looking good. you're everything a big bad wolf could want." thanks for the giveaway!
Oh, I'm excited! And of course that wolf just asked, "What's the real recipe to those delicious muffins?"
michaelacking @ gmail dot com
The Big Bad Wolf said to Little Red Riding Hood:
"Will you make me a cosy cape like yours, please? I'm useless with a needle and thread!"
Thanks for the scrummy giveaway! Aneela keeps producing such cute, must-have collections
Happy birthday jane! The wolf said "Number 1 never wins so don't strain your brain'!
hope you have a great day!
Get in mah belllyy!
I think the big bad wolf really said "hope you brought the salt and pepper!" Linda
Hey, I'm hungry…What's in the basket??
conny's quilts
just that, I think the wolf would have said and then just eat "roodkapje" (dutch for the girl with the red head)
Congratulations with your birthday, have a nice day tomorrow, and a very good and creative year!
Greetings, Conny
I'd love to win these prints! I think he just skipped all the questions, and went straight to eating her.
uhoh, one of the first comments! do they ever win!?
Anyway, hm, what did the big bad wolf really say? "Gees it's cold out, let's share that cape of yours."
Okay, maybe it's just cold here, and a cape seems like a great way to keep warm at my desk today!
Thanks for the chance to win, and haaaaappy birthday!!!
Happy Birthday for tomorrow. I reckon that the BBW is telling LRRH that he's not really as black as he's painted and gets really chilly in the winter, so would she perhaps make him a lovely quilt to keep him warm.
Modern Male Homemaker
The wolf, after noticing the basket full of delicious looking edibles, asked the girl in the red, "Oh! Food for me?" But when she said it was for her grandmother, his heart sank. That is until he had a brilliant idea to impersonate said grandmother. One way or another, he was going to be the recipient of that basket's bounty.
Sue Bone
Do you have any cup cakes in your basket, I'm hungry?
I think the big bad wolf said to Little Red Riding Hood "Hey baby, got some layer cake? I love cake!" Stupid I know, but hey, this is pre-coffee, so it's the best I can do. LOL Thank you for the chance at an AWESOME AWESOME giveaway! Crossing everything I can!
I'm a realist… he probably didn't say much of anything before he ate her. I love the fabric though!
Katy Cameron
Happy birthday!
I think he probably said 'I wonder if you taste of chicken…' ;o)
Happy Birthday. I hope you have a fabulous day.
I am not sure if this is open for those in the United States but still I wanted to say Happy Birthday.
If it is open for us then please enter me into the giveaway because I'd LOVE to win that.
Hope you have a wonderful birthday. I think the BBW said Yummy!
Happy Birthday. I don't know if he had to say anything to RRH. I would be afraid just to encounter a wild animal. If open to U.S., I would love to win. Thank You.
Patchwork and Play
The big bad wolf said, "Do you have a pattern for that cape?" Thanks for the giveaway- I love that fabric!
the big, bad wolf said to little red ridinghood, "let me carry your basket, it smells so good – a layer cake and turnovers?'
The big bad wolf said, "Hey Mama! What's up?". Hope you have a happy birthay! Enjoy!
Wishing you an awesome birthday, enjoy:)
BBW said "what's for dinner Dal"???????
"Red is so last year don't you know?"
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you!
Perhaps the wolf asked "what's in the basket, sweet chops?"
Happy Birthday!!
I think he said "mmm yummy" i'm sure it was about little red, but it might be her fantastic cape…
My Life In Quilts
Happy Birthday! Thanks for the giveaway! As for what the wolf said to little red? I can only think of this-
Hello, little girl,
What's your rush?
You're missing all the flowers.
The sun won't set for hours,
Take your time.
But slow, little girl,
Hark and hush-
The birds are singing sweetly.
You'll miss the birds completely,
You're traveling so fleetly.
Just so, little girl-
Any path.
So many worth exploring.
Just one would be so boring.
And look what you're ignoring…
Lyrics to Broadway show "Into The Woods"
Happy birthday Jane!
"What's that in your basket? Aneela's new line? Well, well. Hand it over, sweetie, or your grandmother gets it!"
Melissa @ Sew BitterSweet Designs
Happy Birthday! I think the big bad wolf said "You are a little on the thin side…but you'll do!"
Happy birthday, I hope you have a wonderful day!
The first thing that came to my mind that the wolf said was "got any spare change?" LOL
I believe the BBW-said.'Home Delivery!!yippee". have a lovely birthday.
Love this new line
Happy birthday to you! Thank you for the giveaway. All I can think of is "how you doing" in a Joey from "Friends" voice. LOL Sleep deprivation, sorry!
He said, You are totally rocking the red cape thing
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday, you share it with my hubby. I think the wolf said, "Would you like to join me for coffee and layer cake?"
Happy Birthday!
BBW said Boo!
jane p
The BBW said: Where did you get the basket? It's to die for.
"you sure are lookin good, you're everything a big bad wolf could want-t-t-t, dah di di dah dah di" (with apologies to Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs lol. VermontPines@aol.com
barb's creations
Happy Birthday!! I think the big bag wolf would be eyeing of reds legs and thinking his legs would look better in her red cape lol
Helen Bazinet
You really are pretty!
Jo Ann
"Got any good snacks in the basket?"
Jennifer Gail
Happy Birthday! Hey, little girl so what cha got in that there basket?
Happy Birthday! I think the Big Bad Wolf said "Love the cape, what's the fabric?"
SO, the BBW said, "YUM!"
I think the big bad wolf said, "I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down…" Then he realized it was just Little Red Riding Hood and not the three little pigs.
Quiltin' Sandy
" Hey, Babe!- I'm really just a sheep in wolf's clothing"
Happy Birthday!
In my world. BBW would sing. "Hey there Little Red Riding Hood. You sure are lookin' good."
"You look good enough to eat!" Happy birthday!
Evelene S
I think the Big Bad Wolf said " Swiper no swiping!"
Happy Birthday and thanks for a chance to win!
Hi & happy birthday. I think the big bad wolf said "I'm not a bad guy, really I'm not! And look at me, I'm not not even big, you're bigger than I am".
Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a wonderful day
I guess the BBW said " Give me what you have in the basket and I'll let your Granny go.
I have been reading through the other comments, haha some good ones there!
"Lets have a picnic and share the goodies in your basket"
We love picnics in our family!
Heather A
I think he said, "Hey there little red riding hood. You sure are lookin' good". Stolen from a song …
Happy Birthday!
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! "Hey there Little Red Riding Hood, you sure are looking good, you're everything that a big bad wolf would want….HOWLLLL"
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great year! I think the wolf said, "Hey Red, you better untie that "hood" and get that quilt backing home to your mama before she starts working on her quilt again!"
Happy birthday! If the big bad wolf had seen this gorgeous fabric he might have asked Little Red to make him a quilt! Otherwise, perhaps he asked her where the three little pigs live?
Happy Birthday,hope you had an awesome day,and thankyou for a chance to win this lovely prize.
I think the wolf said its cold give me your cape.
Dianne Giles
Happy Birthday! I think the wolf said "Hey Red – Slow up, I'm lost too". Thanks for the chance, Dianne
Come in Little Red Riding Hood.
How fun! Happy, Happy, Birthday! I think the wolf probably tried an opening line something like this…"You have a thread hanging off your cape, let me just get that for you…oops"
Thanks for the fun
Smiles, DianeM
"Can we talk? I'm worried about my brother. He is obsessed with these three pigs and wants to blow their houses down."
I think the wolf would just want a good friend. He'd say, "let me stroll along with you so we can chat, and if you get tired you can ride on my back!!"
Marcia W.
BBW: "Hi Red! Do you have any condiments in that basket? I've already fired up the grill and I'm starving! Nice apron BTW."
alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com
I don't see my comment from last night and didn't receive a message saying it posted, so please excuse if there is a duplicate.
P's Qs
Happy Birthday!
I normally like my dinner pink in the middle not red.
Hillbilly Tonya
Oh, how I would love to win this!!
Let me see, he said, "Honey, I am just loving your shoes and your hoodie. Oooohh and is that fresh bisquits. Oh, honey these are so yummy. Let's swap recipes." (Of course you can't hear his voice–but you need to remember he enjoys dressing in drag…)
I think the wolf would say "dammit! I just pinned this EXACT collection on pinterest earlier today!!" I never win giveaways, but I'd do ANYTHING for this fabric line. So here goes nothin'. I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blooooowww the house down!
Linda Big D
He said, "If you're still doing individual delivery ofyour confections, I can improve your customer satisfaction with a delivery service like UPS or Fedex. I'm a logistics consultant , and I can save your delivery time and costs. Let's do lunch! "
Gene Black
Said the wolf to Red: "Darling I have some lovely fabric that would looks so yummy with your snazzy riding hood. Come home with me and I will let you pick your choices."
Actually it is a good thing he didn't say that – Red would have been a goner for sure.
I will track you down, no matter where you hide..hehe
Vroomans' Quilts
I think the wolf said-"Love the cape Red" – Lovely give away.
He said, "Dahling, where DID you get that adorable cape and hoodie? I MUST know your designer…" Giggle! Thanks for the chance to win!
And have a happy, happy birthday!
Pat V.
Happy Birthday! I think it's great that you are gifting something to others on your birthday. Perhaps I will have to start this as a tradion.
I think he said, "Yum, yum, yum!"
I think the wolf said "hey, look over there!", and when Red looked the other way, he grabbed her goodies and ran away!
"Please pass the mustard."
Peaceful Piecer
Happy birthday! That bad wolf probably said "drop that basket"
I think the big, bad wolf said,"Gee I like your red cape. Do you think you could make one for my girlfirend?"
Hope you had a happy birthday!
well I like wolves so I can't believe there are ones that want to eat up little girls. So I think this wolf was just looking for a cookie and was willing to do tricks for Red to get one! And Red was so impressed that she not only gave the Wolf a cookie, but handmade him some booties to keep his paws warm for the winter months. Thats my story and I'm sticking to it
I see you have a nice basket of cookies. I have some twigs and berries. You have a nice face, so I am willing to cut you a deal – you give me the cookies; I give you the berries. What? No deal? Okay, sheesh, my manager is gonna kill for me this, but how 'bout I give you the berries AND the twigs and you give me the cookies? It's my final offer, and I'm only making it because I like you and that little red cape is just to die for. Whaddya say?
Michelle & Trevor
He said "I'll HUFF and I'll PUFF and I'll BLOW your house in! …. wait… crap… LINE!"
"I like your hood. Is it made of silk? It has a nice drape…"
Bev C
Hope you had a wonderful Birthday full of love. The big bad wolf would have said " Did you buy that red fabric at "Want it Need it Quilt it?"
Happy days.
I think he didn't say anything just growled really fiercely, hoping to scare Riding Hood into dropping her basket, so he could have all the goodies. Or maybe it wasn't him growling, but his hungry tummy rumbling
Thanks for a chance to win!
The wolf said, "If everything goes my way, one day I'll be famous and on fabric!"
Gimme some sugar, baby!
Wendy B
Hope you had the happiest of birthdays Jane!!! I think the Big Bad Wolf would have been asking Red Riding Hood whether she had any jelly rolls turnovers or layer cakes in her basket….even though he IS on a fabric diet, like the rest of us!!!!
sugary hugs
Wendy :O) xo
Wanna do lunch?
Patty D from NC
Happy Birthday!
I think he said: "Dinner."
Have a great weekend.
Laura K
Happy birthday! My brother's birthday is also Nov. 3!! I think the Big Bad Wolf said "Hey there Little Red Riding Hood you sure are looking good" just like in the song from the 60s!!
I think he said, hey little girl can I borrow your cape for my new matador dance routine !! (He has been watching Strictly Come Dancing in the UK)
twiggy x
"Signal colors? Really?"
Fabulous fabric by the way!
Happy Belated Birthday! I think he said "Give me all your fabric"!
Victoria's Place
Hope you had a great birthday! I think the Big Bad Wolf said, hey little Red Riding Hood, I am just a pushover, I won't eat you!
" Yummm, oops, I mean hello!"
Happy birthday!
Thank you
The Big Bad Wolf definitely used a cheesy pickup line… "Are your legs tired? Cos you've been running through my mind all day, babe."
hay red how about inviting for dinner it smells good? or I'll have to huff and puff and blow your house down
Happy (belated) Birthday!
Hey, girl! You look like one of my peeps in the hood.
"Where's your Grandma's house again?"
The wolf I imagine is full of wit and dry humor.
He probably said 'It's 103 out here. Why are you wearing that ridiculous cape.'
This fabric is ADORABLE!
i'll trade you my tail for your cape!
I think the wolf asked Little Red Riding Hood if she had a tutorial for her lovely red cape.
Happy birthday!
BBW: Growl! Can't you make me some delicious piggy-cookies, I'm hungry.
Val T.
He said: Let's visit your grandma together.
Thanks for giveaway!
ⒿⓞⓁⓔⓝⒺ ⓁⒺⓦ
Wolf : "Ohh, I think I'mma just follow you slowly today. I'm still filled up with big old granny.. I mean.. Oh wow, look at the time! Let's hurry to grandpa's! He must be starving!"
Thanks for the opportunity.
I hope you had a wonderful birthday! The BBW said 'Didn't Grandma teach you that it's nice to share?'
I think he said "I'm lost could you give me direction"
Hope you had a great day
Big bad wolf said I love this fabric!! a.haun@sbcglobal.net
Hope your birthday was happy and full of fun. I think the wolf said "Hey Red, come here often?" Love the fabric, it's so cute.
"That's are really nice cape, did you bring me one?"
Love the giveaway, those fabrics are so cute! I think the big bad wolf said: Hello little girl, you look so fabulous in red. I love your cape, who made for you? Did you have a pattern? I want one for me. Love it!
Carol Browne
Hey, pass me a muffin in your basket!
Love this fabric. You can reach me at carol.browne@gmail.com anytime.
Fingers crossed for this one. I LOVE this pattern!
Wow you really look tastier than Grandma, and hopefully not as chewie, yum yum yummmmm.
Happy Birthday, it was mine a few days ago.
I really wish I was clever with making things up, but I'm not! The wolf sat down and talked to Little Red Riding Hood about how misunderstood he was and that He was only going to eat Grandma to save face.
i love this fabric. I think he said: Could you help me little girl? i'm lost and since i'm a male i can't ask anyone else for directions. Where am I?
Happy Birthday! Three of my daughters have birthdays this month! I think the wolf said "Not a wolf, I'm just a puppy dog"
I so much love this fabric! The wolf said "Hey there little girl. Wink, wink."
Hi Jane and Happy Birthday mine is on the 8th. The wolf asked red if she had a bunch of fat quarter in that basket.
"Um, excuse me, but may I have some more?" (in a British accent of course
Happy belated birthday – hope it was fun
I think the Wolf said something like: "You look quite delectable today my dear."
Stellar Mother
The wolf would have said, "Can I follow you on Twitter, too?"
Hello! Little Girl! I saw your basket on Pinterest, can I "pin" you too!
He is a bad wolf…..isn't he???
I think he said, "I'll huff and I'll puff… oh wait…"
Silly Bean! Wolves can't talk! ; D
Jane Jeffress Thomas
I absolutely love all of this designer's fabric. Hope I win.
Love this fabric! Maybe he said something like, "Just leave the basket here on the bed dear. I'll save it for later. I'm feeling a bit full in the stomach today."
Cute, cute, cute! I think the wolf really said, "GRRRR!!"
Emily C
You look tasty.
"What do you think the Big, Bad Wolf really said to Little Red Riding Hood? "
"Girl, what fabulous style you have"
I think he was probably a sexist pig so said "oi little girl, go and cook my dinner"
Happy Birthday, Qultjane. Hope you have a great one & thanks for such a lovely giveaway & a great way of deciding.
For a bit of an alternative I like the idea that the wolf was a bit misunderstood and was actually just lonely and wanted to be friends so actually said something like, "Why my dear, what beautiful eyes you have. How about dinner on Friday night?" He really meant at a restaurant and not with Red & Grandma as the main course.
Got any Milkbones in that there basket?
Hope you had a great birthday!
I always enjoy your blog and pop in from time to time.
As with all them big bad wolves………… he might have said….in leery fashion…
"Giz a look under yer cape darlin'?"

Ive met one or two like that myself over the years!
I think the wolf said 'where you going pretty ?' Thanks for the chance!
He said:
"Hey, there, Little Red Riding Hood,
you sure are looking good,
That fabric is sure matching well,
I sure wish I could!
Could you please tell me how I can learn?
I'd like to take a turn!"
She said "Just see QuiltJane on the internet
she's got some tutorials and fabric for that you'll yearn"…
(my apologies to Sam the Sham & The Pharaohs)
Teresa Felgueiras
Happy birthday!!!
The big bad wolf looked at little Red and said:
-How you doin??
happy birthday!!
I think the wolf said, "Hey is that cape felted?" Then when he learned it was gramma who knit and felted it for red he followed her there to see if gramma could make him one too.
Hope your Birthday was lovely!
The big bad wolf said "let's play who's…sorry whats for dinner?"
The big bad wolf said "Little pig, Little pig, oops wrong fairy tale…."
Hope you had an amazing birthday.
Deal Bunny
well happy birthday…. and thank you for the giveaway! the big bad wolf said "Little Red Riding Hood… the other white meat!"
Linda Coleman
The big bad wolf said "I hope that's the makings of a quilt for me in your basket"
He probably said "Little girl, don't believe everything you hear. Rub my belly or scratch my ears and I'll follow you anywhere."
Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday!
BB Wolf said "Nice cape! Where'd ya get the fabric?"
Happy Belated Birthday. I hoped you enjoyed it.
I think he asked, "Are you really afraid of the big bad wolf?"
I have to go with the Sam the Sham and the Pharoah's 'Li'l Red Riding Hood' song….that's all I can hear in my mind when I read the question.
And the wolf said:"Dessine-moi un mouton"(English: "Draw Me a Sheep")
Lara Motta
I'm channelling a Roald Dahl poem but it is so funny I had to share: "“That's wrong!'' cried Wolf. “Have you forgot
To tell me what BIG TEETH I've got?
Ah well, no matter what you say,
I'm going to eat you anyway.''
The small girl smiles. One eyelid flickers.
She whips a pistol from her knickers.
She aims it at the creature's head
And bang bang bang, she shoots him dead.
A few weeks later, in the wood,
I came across Miss Riding Hood.
But what a change! No cloak of red,
No silly hood upon her head.
She said, “Hello, and do please note
My lovely furry wolfskin coat."
Happy birthday xo
"What a lovely red coat you have my dear…"
"Do this nightgown and bonnet make me look fat?"
Thanks for the chance to win!
"Look Red I'm really an introvert so look super scared and run away so I don't lose my rep."
He said "I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your birthday candles out!"
Raelene Rose
"Sit down, shut up and hang on" lol
Stay Happy
He said "Yum yum I smell chocolate cake"
The wolf said: "Are we there yet?"
Hope you had a very Happy Birthday!
I think he asked to borrow her red cape cuz it was just so snazzy.
Happy Birthday for the 3rd. Hope your day was special. I think the big bad wolf said " Happy Birthday Jane, I've got something very special for you, just follow me into the woods.
I want my cape!!
Happy belated bithday,hope you had a fun day.·rd,it`s my birthday too.
thanks for the chance.
Wolf "please just come peacefully, i'm knackered after trying to blow the 3 little pig's houses down all day"
Sherry Edwards
"Do you come here often?"
Happy (belated) birthday to you, and thanks for the chance of winning your beautiful giveaway
Carla G
Whatcha got in your basket? I'm starved!
Thanks for a chance to win!
Deb (Two Cheeky Monkeys)
Oooh, what a cute layer cake!!! And a belated happy birthday to you.
"Don't worry Little Red. People are friends, not food…really…drool…"
Tara June
I think the Big Bad Wolf said "can you help me find the three little pigs?"
Happy Birthday!
The Woolf said "You've got to help me, I am sick and I am dying". And the girl was just too kind to refuse! That's how it was!
Happy birthday
sandra _ mitr at yahoo dot com
The wolf said, I love your outfit. Where did you get the pattern?
Candy Mak
Happy Birthday! The big bad wolf says where can I get some Birthday cake?
Can you please scratch my back,up a bit,up a bit, there, there, thanks love now do you know of a good place to eat?
"Great cloak! Burlington Coat Factory?"
Happy Birthday
"Please tell me you've got something good in that basket and it's not just some fruit."
Happy Birthday! What a give away!!!
count me in. "Let's go play!", said the big bad wolf.
Mmmm … cute cape ….. does it come in blue??? Red's not really my colour ….
daisy and jack
Happy belated birthday Jane – hope the rest of the day was good ! now as for what the wolf said to little red riding hood – hey hey hey, got anything in that little picinik basket for me !
Do you think these big teeth make me look fat?
Happy birthday to you!Even I am late!
The wolf said : Mmmh this cake smells so wonderful, what about sharing it with me?
Liam's Mummy
Happy belated birthday.
"Hey, Little Red Riding Hood, what delicious goodies do you have in your basket? Any layer cakes or jelly rolls in there for me?"
Got any chocolate chip cookies in that basket? Hope your birthday was a great one!
Happy belated birthday! Hope it was wonderful! I think the big bad wolf looked into Little Red's eyes and said, in his most alluring voice, "Hey little lady– what's a girl like you doing in a place like this?"
Thanks for the giveaway!
Nancy B
"Ooooh, I sure would like to look in that basket!" Happy belated birthday. Hope it was the best ever! Thanks for the chance to win that layer cake.
Happy belated birthday
Where are you going little red head?
And what have you got in your basket?
Happy birthday from Norway! Hope it was a sunny day! We have winter here….
Count me in! Thanks for the giveaway.
I think he said "How you doin'?"
lindseyjunk (at) sbcglobal (dot) net
Ms. Knitsalot
I think he said "Let's eat layer cake!"
Wolf: You really shouldn't be out alone like this.
Red: Parents these days….
All funny answers were already given:(
I think that bad wolf did not say anything just ate the poor Little Red:(
Janet Kan
Happy blessed birthday! Don't worry I will not eat you!
Henria O.
He must have said, "Hey, I've got an itch that I can't scratch. Think you can help a brother out?"
Nancy Sue
He said, " Excuse me, but I've seem to have dropped my GPS. Do you know the way to the Pigs' Houses."