
Free Spirit – Christmas in July Block-A-Thon

Hey everyone! We will be kicking off the Christmas in July Block-A-Thon in just a few weeks and wanted to give you all of the juicy details! Below is the amazing list of bloggers that will be participating and showing you how to create some amazing blocks. So be sure to check out their sites and watch here for their block tutorial.

It is a jam packed month with lots of blocks, but if you do not get them done in the short amount of time, we will be putting together an E-book that you can click through that will have all the blocks and tutorials inside. Very easy for catch up!

Watch the Free Spirit Blog for more details

2 GRAND PRIZES include all the fabrics to create the Christmas in July quilt. They will be randomly selected at the end of the QAL in a comment manner.

Post your progress in our Flickr group that you can find here. 
Also, if you are joining in, grab our button on the sidebar to post on your blog!


List of Bloggers!
July 2th – Heather at Fiberosity  http://www.fiberosity.com/
July 5nd – Pat Sloan http://blog.patsloan.com/
July 6th – Melanie at Melanie Dramatic http://melaniedramatic.com/
July 9th – Pam at Pam Kitty Morning http://pamkittymorning.blogspot.com/
July 11th – Kelsey Creates  http://www.kelseycreates.com/
July 13th – Katie @ Swim Bike Quilt  http://www.swimbikequilt.com/
July 16th – Kim at Persimon Dreams http://www.persimondreams.com/
July 18th – Amanda at Sasikirana http://amandasasikirana.wordpress.com/
July 20th – Jane at QuiltJane http://www.quiltjane.blogspot.com/
July 23th – Kristy at St Louis Folk Victorian http://stlouisfolkvictorian.blogspot.com/
July 25th – Kimberly at Fat Quarter Shop  http://fatquartershop.blogspot.com/

July 27rd – Lee at Freshly Pieced http://freshlypieced.blogspot.com
July 30th – Jennifer at MJandCo http://mjandco-quilting.blogspot.com/
August 1st – Mishka at Quilting Gallery http://quiltinggallery.com/blog-posts/
August 3rd – Tiffiny at www.freepatchworkquiltinfo.com
August 6th – Tacha at Fat Quarterly http://www.fatquarterly.com
August 8th – Megan at Canoe Ridge Creations http://canoeridgecreations.com
August 10th – Jocelyn at It’s Sew Emma http://fatquartershop.blogspot.com/
August 13th – Final Quilt Reveal!

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