The first 15 (It sounds like a Rugby team)
I have had a wonderful response regarding ‘The Desperate Housewife’s Quilt’. Fifteen bloggettes have put their hand up and will be presenting their original 8″ block designs over the coming 15 weeks along with my weekly block post. My goal is 50 blocks.
Please welcome:
- Anorina (http://www.sameliasmum.com) – 8th July
- Sally H – 15th July
- Deanna (http://weddingdressblue.wordpress.com)- 22nd July
- Aunti Pami (http://auntiepami.blogspot.com) – 29th July
- Karen W (http://thehouseofwilson.blogspot.com)- 5th August
- Tonya (http://hillbillyhandiworks.blogspot.com)- 12th August
- Kelley (www.pioneerquilter.com) – 19th August
- Annie (http://rubyslipperz106.blogspot.com) – 26th August
- Lorraine (http://thebalancingkiwi.blogspot.com) – 2nd September
- Jennifer (http://www.thatgirlthatquilt.com) – 9th September
- Christina (http://afewscraps.blogspot.com) – 16th September
- Janet – (http://cariboucrossingchronicles.blogspot.com) – 23rd September
- Lynne (http://lilysquilts.blogspot.com) – 30th September
- Melissa (http://happyquiltingmelissa.blogspot.com) – 7th October
- Karyn (http://thestylishhome.blogspot.com) – 14th October
I am so excited to see what everyone will be making.
Don’t despair if you missed out on the first round. I will be asking for more volunteers in October. So put on your thinking caps and get out the design board.
Remember this is not a quilt-a-long. Just come along for the ride. Maybe there will be a block or two that will inspire you. Maybe a new technique that will enhance your quilting experience. I would love to see everything you make, so post it on Flickr for the everyone to enjoy its magnificence.
Remember that the blocks designed are protected by Copyright laws and remain the property of the designer and cannot be used for commercial purposes without the permission of the owner.

Oh, what distinguished company! I am really excited to be part of this team!
My thinking cap is on!