
Dress up your Roll Competition Starts Today

Today starts the competition where the toilet rolls of the world can regain their dignity and become a part of the quilting world along side the mug rug (caffeine carpet), pot holders, placemats, block bees and runners. You never know – one day they may even have their own swap.

The official page is found here which outlines the rules of the competition, links and prizes.

To kick start the competition I will be presenting a simple tutorial on how to make a self lined roll cover. I am sure there are other ways to make a cover but I find this the easiest for me.

I can find a place for Tula anywhere in my house.


  • One lonely and naked toilet roll
  • Fat eight fabric (22″ x 9″)
  • 2 – 6″ x 6″ square fabric for top
  • Freezer Paper / Template plastic
  • Fusible web
  • Fancy Trim / embellishments / fusible web, embroidery floss
Base Assembly
(There are many sizes of rolls available. Therefore, I will show generic cutting instructions for this tutorial)
  • Measure the circumference of the roll and add 1″. This will be the width.
  • Measure the height of the roll and add 1/4″
  • Cut a piece of fabric using the measured width x double the height.
For example:
The circumference of my roll was 14 1/2″ so I added 1″ to make a final measurement of 15 1/2″.
The height of the roll was 4″ so I added 1/4″ for seam allowance. I doubled the height measurement so my piece will be 15 1/2″ x 8 1/2″

  • Press the piece in half lengthwise
  • Unfold
  • On the bottom half of the right side of the fabric add your embellishments. Remember to leave at least 1/4″ free around the edges so the seam allowance is not bulky.

  • Fold piece in half with right sides together and sew 1/4″ around the three unfinished sides leaving 3″ gap.
  • Trim bulk from corners.
  • Turn piece inside out.
  • Using a stiletto or other pointy tool, push out seams and corners and press.
  • Close up gap by folding seams inward 1/4″ and slip stitching the opening.
  • To close roll cover, slip stitch the two ends together.
Join with wrong side facing out.
Make tiny stitches through all layers.
Top Assembly
  • Place the roll on a piece of freezer paper or template plastic. Trace around to make template.
I used my 5″ circle template
  • Cut out template
  • Place the 2 x 6″ squares right side together.
  • Place template on back of one 6″ square
  • Trace around template.
  • Using a smaller stitch ( circles right side together ) sew on trace line.
  • Cut around trace line adding 1/8″ to 1/4″ seam allowance.
  • Separate the 2 circles by pinching the backing fabric and make a small incision of 1 1/2″.


  • Turn the circle inside out.
  • Using a stiletto or other pointy tool, push out seams and press.
  • Close up the gap in the back of the circle by appliquéing a piece of fabric over it. I used fusible web to add a piece. There is no need to sew edges.
Hint:You could appliqué this piece and make it the right side.
Finishing the roll cover
  • Fold the circle into quarters and finger press to give you four registration marks. Do the same for the base.
  • With right sides together, slip stitch using tiny stitches, the top to the base remembering to match the four registration marks.


  • Turn the cover inside out.

Now you have one beautifully dressed toilet roll and prepared to go forth and make many more for the competition.


But wait …. there is more …..

Competition Closed

Winner are : Trace R, Tracee and Rhonda G
The lovely people at Aurifil have given me some sample packs to giveaway. To help me promote this competition, I would really appreciate it if you could Blog, tweet, FB, etc about this event. Please leave a comment on this post saying you have spread the word and I will pick 3 winners next Tuesday to receive a pack of Aurifil threads.
Cotton and wool in various weights
Good Luck


Loouise in the pool, going shopping and in evening wear



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