Winner of the 100th post giveaway
I had a good laugh going through all the entries. I had my panel of judges (Children aged 5 – 17) choose the winner and they picked –
Kathy Trevelion said…
An obese quilter is rushed into the ER by ambulance. the paramedic says, “quick, Doc, patch/stitch her up. She’s been cut into fat quarters!”
November 28, 2010 8:22 PM Evidently, Kathy made that one up, so a gold star for effort Kath! Your FQ’s are on there way.

Thats great! A diserving winner!
Thanks for my hexie flower it came today, I love it!
Kathy's joke is strangely funny, made me smile anyway.
Stray Stitches
Congratulations to Kathy!