Two in One Out
I received my beautiful hexie in the post yesterday from Melody. The owls are so gorgeous.
Here is another one from Elizabeth. Bee-utiful.
I have been spoilt this week.
Here is one of the caffeine carpets for the Quilting Gallery Mug Rug Swap. My partner loves lime and purple. I will have to think of something extra creative for the second one. Thinking cap on.

Samelia's Mum
Your caffeine carpet is GORGEOUS!
Canadian Kristin
Hey, did you change the thread stitching bit, is that what the wide parts are? It's like stained glass. Amazing!!!! I've only ever used the same one stitch, you just totally gave me an idea and I can't wait til tomorrow to go "turn the dial" on the machine and see what happens!!! Thanks, Jane!
I love the owl hexie! Very cute!
sandi collins
this is so neat. i love the colors
Karen Wilson
I've never been into the hexagons… but those owls make me want to do it!!! You're very lucky to have got them.
Stray Stitches
Your caffine carpet is stunning! Much too pretty to set a coffe cup on.
Karen Wilson
that owl hexy is so cute I was even inspired to blog about it! LOL