Quilters Blog Hop Party – Happy 5th Birthday
*** The giveaway is now closed ***
To celebrate their 5th birthday, the Quilting Gallery is hosting another fun Blog Hop Party with giveaways from all participating bloggers. This is your chance to fill those Christmas stocking with marvellous ‘quilty’ things.
All you have to do is go here (after midnight 10th Dec EST) to view all the participating blogs and follow their links to each giveaway post.
I will be giving away one Ladies Stitching Club Layer Cake by Oliver + S for Moda.
The giveaway starts 10th December and Closes midnight 15th December 2012. Everyone is welcome.
To enter, please leave a comment on this blog telling me,
‘If you were to make a quilt for someone this Christmas, who would be the recipient?’
Please note that I read all your lovely comments but unfortunately cannot respond to all of them xo

I would love to make a quilt this Christmas for my daughter in college… I've got the fabric all picked out but won't have time to make it until next year. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I would make it for my new step-granddaughter. But I think she'll have to get it for her birthday in June.
I was trying to make three quilts for Christmas, but I will not finish them on time. Maybe for Valentine's Day. I am working on one for my husband and on for each of my kids. I am so close to finishing but, I don't like rushing, it isn't enjoyable.
Hi Jane,
I'd make a community quilt for my guild to give to someone who needs a quilty hug at this time of the year – in fact I am doing just that at the moment.
My machine is being serviced right now so quilty gifts won't happen. I would probably have liked to make a family picnic quilt for us to use and enjoy over summer (love presents for the whole family!)
Marjorie's Busy Corner
If I had time to make one for this Christmas; it would be for my grand daughter….she is due a new one…..thanks for the giveaway!!
Probably my parents.
Mary on Lake Pulaski
I did make a quilt for my granddaughter for Christmas; it's sewn into a nap mat with an attached pillow.
I am making a quilt for Christmas, it's going to my brother and his lovely wife.
I am in the process of making a quilt for my sister in law but don't know that it will be done in time. If I had more time, I would make quilts for the family that we have adopted at work.
Sandy A
My parents. They have just moved back to the UK after living in the tropics and need a nice warm quilt!
Sandy D
If I had the time I would make a quilt for a friend/co-worker who's Husband is going through serious health problems.I think she needs something to cuddle under and to get her mind off of things.
Cheryl Gomez
I would make one for one of my many friends who had a baby this year. I have one that needs to get basted and quilted so i can send it out to it's recipient.
My friend Sherry who is just found out she has a tumor. I will make her one but dont know if it will get done in time for Christmas.
I actually did make a quilt to give to someone for Christmas this year. The recipient is my daughter. Thanks for a lovely giveaway and the opportunity to win the charm pack.
I made a quilt for my husband for Christmas.
If I had time, I would be making a quilt for my b-i-l, who recently lost his wife. He's so sad and alone, and I just want to wrap him up in hugs and cuddles. I'll be making that quilt, but it won't be in time for Christmas this year.
This is an easy one for me as I just finished the binding today on a quilt for my Mom for Christmas. Now all I have to do is put up the blog post!
I'd make a quilt for mr grandson, Oden.
If I had time to make a quilt for Christams it would be for my sister. She's wanted a Christmas quilt tree skirt for years, but I never seem to get around to it.
I think I would make another one for my grand daughter ; )
B Greene
I would love to make a quilt for my sister who received a dire diagnosis fourteen months ago. I am so thankful to have another Christmas with her
It will be a very happy holiday.
That's easy. I'd make them for my sons. They each have one already but I've been promising them bigger ones since they're all grow up now.
Furball Farm Quilting
I would make a quilt for my daughter……… she's interstate, and won't be able to fly out from the remote NT location until the wet season is over. That would give me time to finish the quilt if I were to win. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
For my mother.Thanks
i would make a quilt for my grand-daughter,thankyou for hosting this lovely giveaway.xx
Heather A
I've got one almost finished for my 22 year old son and if I could squeeze in another, it would be for my only other child, my 25 year old daughter.
For my DH. He still has none!
…Difficult . question… I find it hard to part with them when they're finished…
My mom. I have a plan for one but not enough time! Thanks for the giveaway
I DID make a quilt for Christmas this year & gave it to my brother. He is a big guy & sits in his big chair all day so I made it for him to snuggle up in! Lovely layer cake. Thanks for the chance.
Thank you for the giveaway! I'd probably make one for a nephew!
I would make one for my friend B who is one of my quilting mentors. I'm still struggling to learn how to cut straight (hee), so it won't happen this year, but someday…
Hi! I'd make this quilt for my new step-mom, to welcome her into the family!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Take care, Leslie
Tracey @ The Peony Teacup
I would have loved to have been able to finish a quilt for my Grandad in time for Christmas.
Newbie Jen
I've already made 2 quilts for family members this season, but I would really like to make one for my Mother-in-law. The trouble is, I view her as extremely picky. And because of that, I haven't found "the perfect" pattern yet. Thus, she is one of the only family members that doesn't have a quilt, and I think she is beginning to be bent out of shape about it. Yikes!
Lisa Marie
I have already made quilts for many family members for Christmas. Parents, in-laws, sisters, SILs, aunts, nieces etc. I give them mostly to the girls/women but I know the guys use them too. Maybe next year I need to break with tradition and make "guy quilts" and give them to the male members of the family.
Definitely for my grand daughter.
I would have to make it irst and then see who it would "fit"! I think quilts look like they belong to a crtain person when they are done!
hulseybg at gmail dot com
I made lap quilts for both my adult kids last year and would like to make one for each of their beds. I have fabric for one and am waiting for a friend to make up a pattern for me.
Cindy W, Aus
Hi Jane, my Eldest Neice would have to be the recipient of a quilt as her and her partner are the only ones that don't have one yet and are the hardest to make one for.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Pink Scissors Design
My husband!
pinkscissorsdesign @gmail .com
i'd make a big baby boy quilt for my dggs … he'll be six months old then!
Francis Paul
I am making a quilt for the children of my niece. She is a single mother with a son and a daughter. she can't afford to live on her own anymore, so she will move in with her children with her parents. I'm making a quilt for her children to give on new years day.
I did make a quilt this Christmas! It's for my aunt!
Lisa C
I am currently working on a quilt to give to my mother. She will get to choose what organization to donate it to. (I gave her a quilt last year and Dad one this year.) She is very involved (long-distance) in helping me pick fabrics and deciding who I will donate the various quilts to so I thought she should get the fun of doing it herself this year.
I am making a quilt for someone this Christmas … It is for my adult daughter who has just had our first grandchild. What does a new mummy need but a big comfy quilt to snuggle under with her little treasure
I'd make a quilt for Eleanor Burns (actually, I did!) Also making one for new grandson.
My daughter.
HI Jane…. I wish I had time to make up a quilt for my nephew … his brother passed away earlier this year which was very sad but he has just announced his engagement so we are all delighted ….
I made a brown,beige and cream cancer quilt for my husband. He has gone through 4 surgeries and survived each one. I saw this quilt on the Internet and knew immediately I had to make this for him. He turned 69 in November and I wanted him to know how much he is loved. Thank you so much for the awesome giveway.
Sandi T.
I'd like to make a quilt for my step-mom.
If I made a quilt it would have to be rugged as I would give to a homeless organization.
Judy B
My GD is begging for a monkey quilt, but will have to wait until her birthday! Lovely giveaway.
jbechosend at sbcglobal dot net
I am making a quilt for my husband.
Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures
I would make a quilt for my niece. Trying to make all my nieces and nephews a quilt! Thanks for the lovely giveaway
Robyn of Oz
Last Christmas I made a quilt for my mother-in-law's bed. She loves it. This year, I have made a quilt for her chair. She loves to crochet and spends the vast majority of her day making blankets, covering wooden coat hangers and making toys, so a comfy quilt that she can either sit on or cover herself with when the weather eventually turns cooler is a nice gift for her. She will be 89 next April and is such a generous soul. It is nice to be able to give her something useful and decorative at the same time.
Marcia W.
Today we celebrated the birthday of my 2yo grandniece. This would be wonderful to use for a quilt for her.
I would make a quilt for my good friend Mindy, who just moved into a fantastic 1930s era house complete with every period detail you can imagine. (I am making her a quilt, but it won't be done before Christmas!)
My sister, because she's a quilter too and would most appreciate it. Plus, she's my favorite, but don't tell anyone else!
I'm making one right now. My son asked me to make a quilt for a friend of his that could use a quilty hug this Christmas.
I would make a quilt for a good friend of our family ( I have it partially completed but not sure if it will get done or not) and one for one of my brothers. There are many more people that I would like to make one for – just not enough time.
Thanks for participating in the blog hop- it will be grand.
Regards from Western Canada,
david green
I would get the help of three of my friends to make a quilt for our local Doctor who looks after all four of us. She has helped all four of us though some rough times this last year.
Thank you, Narelle Green.
I made a twin size quilt for each of my 2 great nephews.
I am making a quilt and it I s for my oldest daughter.
I am making one for my MIL, but would love to make one for a dear friend who has successfully lost a lot of weight. She is so inspiring!
I'd make one for my 6yo daughter….she's #5 of 6 kiddos – and somehow I never got a baby quilt made for her….
Crafty Tokyo Mama
I'd like to make a quilt for my sister-in-law. I'm saving red fabrics to make her a quilt "someday"!
tubilinha tiacarminha
Faria para a filha da minha afilhada que nasceu ontem.Obrigada tiacarminhapezzuto@gmail.com
Alyce @ Blossom Heart Quilts
My dad – he gets cold easily in winter, so I'd love to make him one someday!
Ellen Easter
I have made the quilt already for a special little girl Molly. Molly is the daughter of a friend of my daughters and was born with Downs Syndrome. A very special and much loved little girl.
Kandy Newton
I would love to make a quilt for my darling Daughter who has just realised that not EVERYTHING has to be black! She is now loving brighter colours so this giveaway would be perfect for her. Thank you.
My daughter. She wants me to update her bed linens
I am making a dr. seuss quilt for my sister-in-law who teaches kindergarten and an i spy quilt (and matching game) for my daughters daycare. Not much time left to get them finished so I think it's going to be a busy weekend.
Sowing Stitches
I did make quilts for Christmas…My 2 sisters, my Mom, my son, my daughter and still need to make the quilt for my inlaws…Yikes! I'm running out of time.
sowingstitches [at] gmail [dot] com
Cool Cats and Quilts
I usually do have a quilt for someone for Christmas. This year I have a lap quilt for my friend, we have been friends since kindergarden, that is a long time! Hope you visit my blog and enter for a chance to win my prize.
Probably my oldest daughter as I've made something for everyone in the family but her!
I've been making a quilt for each of my nieces so I would make one for one of them!
To start I would love to make one for my daughter and then continue down my list after that.
My step daughter who is moving into their first house, with her boyfriend on December 14th.
I am making a quilt this year, albeit just a rag quilt. It is for my lovely daughter who loves throws and all things soft. So, I am making her a flannel rag quilt measuring 72×60…….better get to work!
Vicki H
I made Christmas quilts for all 5 of my grandkids this year. I would like to make one for my mom.
If I had made a quilt this year it would have been for my brother.
Textile Recycler
I would have made it for my father in law, but he just passed away a few weeks ago. After quite a few deaths of late, I think I would make if for my best friend of 40+ years. We rarely get to see each other due to distance. I would be broken hearted if I lost her too.
I would make one for my parents! Thanks for the chance to win!
i would make this quilt for my granddaughter Miss O
I would love to make a quilt for my daughter, and have one planned, but not enough time before Christmas.
Angela Moore
Probably make another one for a charity here in the city. Thanks for the giveaway.
I actually made 2 for presents this year. One for oldest son and wife and the other for our granddaughter. I still have 2 more to make but those will be for next Christmas.
Love the fabric. Thanks for the giveaway. Good Luck to all.
Lee D
I just finished making a quilt for my niece. 2.5 yrs ago she sent me all her soccer/football jerseys to make her a quilt. I finished it this week. I drew her name in the family draw so I had to get it done. Turned out great!
Karen in Breezy Point
I would make one for a QOV–a good way to use up scraps and practice my machine quilting skills.
My husband loves snuggling up in a quilt in these cold evenings and it's time for a new one
Thank you
For my sister who started me on this whole crazy quilting adventure, she also feeds my stash and has made me several cuddly quilts. I have never made one for her but I would love to!
My sister. Thanks for the giveaway! Merry Christmas!
I think my baby needs his own quilt, I've been meaning to make him one but can't find the time yet!
Coffee Break Whatever
Well, I have already made my christmas quilts…I have 5 grand children and I don't see them very often. So…I started this summer and have made them each a twin size quilt. I designed it to their likes, (one likes Minnie Mouse, so I got matching fabric…etc) I have to FMQ the last one and then I have all 5 done and ready to wrap. I hope that every night they cover with the quilt, they will think of me, Nanny, and send me love and kisses in their hearts!
I'm making a quilt for my very good friend, it's almost quilted and ll what left is binding.I believe I'm going to finish it in time.
Thanks for a giveaway.
Such a beautiful layer cake! If I were to make a quilt for someone this Christmas, it would be for an elderly neighbour who always complains of being cold. She has one but it'sbeen quite a few years, so I think perhaps a new one is in order.
Dresden Quilter
I am making a quilt for my mom and my nephew for Christmas. I would love to have one done next year for my daughter. Thanks for the giveaway.
Mama Said Sew
I am making a quilt for someone this Christmas! It's for one of my favorite aunt's. She's out of work and lives in a cold climate. She's turned down her thermostat to save money, so she'll definitely be using this quilt to stay warm.
Our newest Granddaughter who is now one year old and loves to dance.
I have made quilted wall hangings for 3 of my inlaws
I just finished a quilt for my Dad and I'm giving it to him on Christmas.
Lovely giveaway.
conny's quilts
I would like to give a christmas quilt to my mother (76 years old) , she is very fond of my quilting and would really appriciate such gift.
What a lovely fabrics you will give away. I love to take a change to win those, thank you for the opprotunity. Have fun with this bloghop party!
I'd love to make a quilt for my husband, who so often feels like the shoemaker's kid!
My grandpa! My grandma is in a nursing home with Alzheimers so I think he'd appreciate something warm and nice to have.
Denise Russell
I just found out my first grandchild will be a boy, so he would be the recipient!!!
Love this fabric line!
I'd make a quilt for my beautiful daughter who has just started her first real job!
I would make a quilt for my mom. She cherishes everything I make her, and she'd love to use it on her couch.
i give something quilt away each year. my parents, mug rugs for teachers
It would be for my son. He got out of the Army in June and is heading off to college in a few weeks. He says he doesn't need a new quilt but I'd still like to make one for him. I have his old uniforms and would like to use them in a quilt somehow.
I have a friend who is a missionary in Cameroon. I would like to make her a quilt. Some day, I will.
Thanks for a chance to win.
I made a quilt for my mom, granddaughter and grandson
barbara woods
i would make one for us for christmas
If I were to make a quilt this Christmas it would be for one of my daughters. I have some tops completed and hope to have them quilted for them soon but not by this Christmas. I love the fabric in your giveaway.
If I were making a quilt for someone, I would make it for my dad. Thanks for participating in the Blog Hop Party.
Marjo B-W
For all 3 of my daughters-in-law. They always feel cold and would love a warm quilt they could share when they will be visiting this Christmas!
Best regards, Marjo B-W
im hoping to get a small one done for my son and perhaps one quilted for daughter for their xmas eve snuggles
Great give away. Thanks.
I am making quilts for my daughters but only one is nearly finished so I thought it wouldn't be fair to give only one at Christmas so I will wait til next year and just give them when they are done.
The Patchsmith
I would make a quilt for my sister.
Vroomans' Quilts
Everyone has one or more of my quilts – so this year was pillows. Maybe I should make myself one!
My daughter…I owe her one for her new big girl bed. I have the fabric and the pattern and the goal of finishing by her birthday in February.
I would make quilts for my kids. They aren't getting one this year for the first time in a few years.
Jodi - usairdoll
I would love to make a Christmas quilt for me, is that greedy? hehe. I have been wanting to make a Christmas quilt to have out for the holidays for awhile.
Thank you Jane for an awesome giveaway and a chance to win some beautiful fabric.
For me! I've made quilts for everybody and I want a quilt to cuddle up under.
If I were to make a quilt it would be for my daughter.
If time permitted I would make a cuddle quilt for my Dad who has not been feeling well lately ,thanks for the chance.
The fabrics seem very cheery to me – I would make one for someone who needs cheering up and a big quilty hug all at the same time. My husband's father is gravely ill atm – I think I need a quilt for all of us.
I am making a table topper and 3 tree wall hangings for work colleagues…up to binding the first two and basting the other 2.
I wish I had gotten at least one teacher's quilt done in time for Christmas.
I'm trying to get one made for my new baby nephew but I fear I'm running out of time!
I have made a quilt for someone. A woman at our church who is a real giver to all. I knew she loved Christmas and decorating. I made a label that said Handmaiden of the Lord. I gave it already so she could use it all Dec.
Sew Simple Life
I actually did make a quilt {sort of… quilted table topper, that count?} and it was for my cousin who also happens to be my best friend. If I were to make a full sized quilt it would be for her
I've accomplished 8 Christmas charity quilts, but would like to have done 2 more….maybe there is still time??
Bea García
If I were to make a quilt this Christmas it would be for my Mom! I think she would appreciate it very much. Thanks for the chance to win…
I am attempting to finish up a small quilt for a good friend this year. I'm hoping it will be done in time for Christmas.
I am making a quilt for my two toddler boys to share – let's hope they share it ok!
Carla G
I'd like to make my seasonal quilt for my house for snuggling under while watching tv on the couch. So it would be for my whole family. Thanks for a chance to win!
java diva
My BFF and I do plan to believe it or not. A small quilt. But it won't be done because we are right in the middle of a move!! It will be late, like everything else is.
Amys Crafty Shenanigans
I think it would have to be for my nana who is 90 and a bit! She reads her ebook all day and would love to snuggle under it while reading though I have already given her one but it doesn't match anything in her hosue and though I know she loves i, she hasn't got it out due to that fact. Oh well!!! Great giveaway!
Mrs A
Hi Jane, I love your layer cake, I think it would have to go to my niece, she is moving to Sydney from Bali and will need a warm blankie!
I live not far from you I live near Noosa! Nice to meet you!
Lia*s Handmades
Probably my best friend, but she already received one for her birthday last year
Am planning one for my mum, though…probably for next year. Thanks for the chance to win!
Without a doubt, I'd make another quilt for my best friend from college who is losing her son to cancer.
I'm making a quilt for my mother this Christmas!
Anne-Marie B.
I would make one for my older son. Thanks for this giveaway!
My husband, the one I made him just before we gor married has worn out.
My niece, probably. In fact, I have one planned for her, but not for this Christmas.
I'm in the process of making a quilt for my brother in the hopes of finishing by Christmas!
I am hoping to finish one for my niece and my mum, the niece has more hope as her top is done! I have already finished one for my friend who was unwell but is better now it is finally done! So it will be a Christmas quilt now
Thanks for the giveaway and lovely to meet another 'Aussie' in this world of quilting blogs!
Gorgeous fabric. I'd love to make a quilt for my friend, Viv who was also my boss, who loves quilts. I don't think she can thread a needle. Merry Christmas!
I would love to make a quilt for my daughter who lives across the country from us. We haven't seen her in a year, and I know she would love to have one of my quilts to cudle up with. Maybe I can get one done in January.
I am actually working on a quilt for my brother and his wife for Christmas, it's a couch quilt.
A baby quilt for my next grandchild on the way…that we are getting close to the time when we can find out if it is a boy or girl. So exciting.
I just finished one for a silent auction but if I had time to make another one it would be for my neighbour who is home bound from MS.
Nancy M.
I would make one for my youngest grandson. thanks for the chance to win.
My husband, my son, my newborn niece, my sister, my mother and my colleagues.
I am making 3 quilts this year, one for my mom, one for my sister and one for my sister in law.
My mama!! I've have the fabric ready to go, just need the time!
I love making quilts and donating them to the neonatal critical care unit. Thanks for a great giveaway babscorbitt@gmail.com
Mary Ann
I wish I could make one for my son(6 weeks old) but no time right now!
Lovely give away. My niece who is just going through breast cancer treatment is in need of some quilt therapy. Happy holidays
I am actually making a quilt for my brother for Christmas. The top is finished but I'm not sure I'll get it quilted in time. I need some little elves to help me! Thanks for the giveaway!
I am actually making my Mom a quilt for Christmas! I hope that she likes it!
Well I tried to get a quilt done for Christmas for my table but I've not finished it yet. I did get a table runner made for my daughter and helped my grand daughter with one. But to answer your question, I would love to make a large warm quilt for my hubby.
I'd like to make a quilt for my great niece, but she's not due to appear until next March, so I think I should wait until she is safely here.
It would be for my daughter as she is probably leaving home in a years time and would love one
Melanie Keen
Me – I've made quilts for the rest of my family and now I would really like to keep one
My new niece or nephew who is due in three months. But I need to have lots of money to post it overseas after I finish it.
I would love to make a quilt for my mum!
Has to be my mum.. I have not done many quilt yet, but i think its about time i make oe for my mum..
Wow, that's easy. I really wanted to make a quilt for my father, but I've been so busy that the idea only came to me last week. He is losing his eyesight through macular degeneration (he has it pretty bad)and so I wanted him to be able to 'see' my quilting handiwork while he still can. But then reality set in and there's no way I would find the fabric, cut, piece, quilt and bind in 2 weeks, along with everything else this season entails. So, I will make it in January for just a special surprise gift!
Lucy @ Charm About You
I am making one for my sister-in-law!
Just Carol
I've already made some quilts for Christmas…for my Monkey Boys. Thanks for the great giveaway and of course, I follow your wonderful blog. :O)
I made a lap quilt which I was really pleased with…My mother is in the late stages of Dementia and when I showed it to her there was so much pleasure on her face I knew I had to wrap it up and give it to her for Christmas. I hope I see that childlike delight again when she unwraps her gift on Christmas day.
Julie Fukuda
This year I made an Advent calendar for my #1 daughter and her kids. Each year we draw names for birthdays and Christmas for family members. She asked me for one about nine years ago and finally I got her name. An Advent calendar isn't much use unless you get it on the first of December and hers arrived just the day before … and now the kids are taking turns putting those decorations on the traa each day.
I made quilts for my two sons for Christmas this year. I am happy to have them finished and in the mail. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.
My oldest son is the only one I have not made a quilt for yet. So it would have to be for him
Needled Mom
I'd like to make one for my cousin.
I would make one for my mom, with pictures of all the grand kids on it!
I would like to make a quilt for my mother. She has been ill and I live 100 miles away and she may find comfort in the quilt when she is resting and when I can't be with her. betcrawford at verizon dot net
I'd make a quilt for my best friend and business partner (who lives a thousand miles away, literally). A big blue and gold quilt for her bed. One day I'll get to it….
MissEnota Minnesota
Hello from Minnesota! What a great giveaway! I'm making at least one quilt for Christmas but what I've been working on yesterday and today is a little crosses quilt for a baby due in January (in grey, yellow, and blue.)
Josie McRazie
My Honeyman! Because I have his pieced …I just have no clue how I am going to quilt it!
thank you for the chance to win. I am making two quilts along with my mother this Christmas one for my aunt and one for my cousin.
Prairie Stitcher
Hi! I'm a new follower and a fellow blogger (so come by and visit and follow, too, when you have a minute) and hopper and giver…..I'd make a quilt for my dear husband for his recliner chair. That means one that is less than twin size and long. It would have cats on it….um, virtually and literally. See you. http://www.prairiecottagecorner.blogspot.com
Pat V.
It would be my son. I actually have two quilts begun for him, a wall hanging and one for his couch. Maybe I should finish them!
How nice. I just posted a Quilt to my oldest son i started it last year ,but did not get it finished up until this year .So off it went a week ago,he will have it in time for Christmas
Maria Kievit
Haven't made a big quilt for years. Been dabbling in clothes the last couple of years. But probably would be to finish ones I started loooonnngg time ago, and one for my bed would be among them. Thanks for the giveaway.
Each year my quilts go to a different one of my children. This year a quilt and a quilted tree skirt went to my eldest son and his lovely wife.
Sara ypunto
I guess I would make a quilt for myself, my quilting is not so good yet as to make one for another person… maybe next year
saruqa at gmail dot com
and thanks for the giveaway!
Rosanna Bontrager
Difficult question,but yet so simple. Probably my husband.(We don't have any children.) Thanks for the giveaway. Rosanna
wrbontrager at verizon.net
Hi, thank you for your give away. I would make a quilt for my mum who is currently facing major surgery in the new year.
I would make one for my sister.
This year I'm planning to give a quilt to my sisters-in-law. I have the tops ready; just need to do the quilting. Thanks for the chance to win.
I made a quilt for an exchange in my Friendship group. What fun! Thanks for being part of the hop
Kathy H
If I could make a quilt this year, I would make one for 2 friends who are retiring in the new year.
This year I"m making a memory quilt for my best friend Linda! Not sure I'm going to finish it in time!
Since I have already made quilts for all our kids and grand kids, I would make a quilt for a friend. Thank you for the chance to win.
Great giveaway! I have everything to make 2 quilts for my 8 and 9 year old boys! We will see if I get them done in time!
Well I DID make a quilt – a Krazy Kat Kwilt for my MIL that I just finished hand stitching this weekend. I started it in March when I had almost zero experience. Now I think I'll have to make something for somebody next year too but I have no idea what it will be. Thank you for the giveaway!
Making one for myself…It's my first full size quilt, so I figured I would make all the mistakes on mine.
Judy B
Just finished a doll quilt for my Grand daughter! Thank you for the great giveaway.
jbechosend at sbcglobal dot net
I'm trying to finish a quilt for my grandson for Christmas!
Iwould make a quilt for my Line Dancing Instructor Pauline as all the money from her classes (she takes 5 a week) goes to Relay for Life. She is such a generous lady with her time. Merry christmas to you and yours
Emily C
I would make one to donate for the THON auction… except I have issues finishing projects, so I know I won't have it done in time.
I would make a quilt for an old friend who really likes to cuddle under a quilt. Maybe this will be for next year tho', not enough time now.
I am making a quilt for my mom for Christms. Thanks for chance to win.
Foolish Feathers
I really wish I could have made a quilt for my husband. My hope is to finally get one done for him for his birthday next year.
Elaine O'Connell
I have made several this month already….and they go to Quilts for Kids, to go to kids in hospitals, etc.
Hi there!
If I was to make a quilt for someone for Christmas I would make it for my 90 grandmother. I haven't made her a quilt yet and I've always loved visiting her place and sleeping under her 200lb crazy quilt (ok, it wasn't that heavy but when your 8 y.o. it's heavy!).
Thanks for the chance.
I am making a string quilt for my husband. He is a trucker and needs a quilt for the bunk in his truck.
Nancy Sue
For my hubby, his cold feet are breath taking….literally! Seriously, though, he has a quilt coming for Valentines Day. Til then, he better put wool socks on his list to Santa!
I finished one for my grandson that is back from quilter and needs binding. I have just finished quilt tops for both of my parents and need to layer and tie them off. Thank you for this giveaway.
Roberta Adams
Merry Christmas. I hope to get a samll doll bed quilt made for my only granddaughter for her American girl doll. I also have dolls and we have doll play dates. So much fun. I would use the fabrics to make a twister blk quilt.
Roberta Adams quilt2120@sbcglobal.net
I am working on a quilt this Christmas but unfortunately it will not be finished it time. It is for my niece (and god-daughter) who is leaving us this summer to join the Air Force. I've always made her quilts, but I want to make a nice, large, snuggly quilt for her to take with her.
Mom C
At Christmas I like to make quilts and donate them to our local agency that is spearheading our local Christmas helping programs. Then I know someone will enjoy it, even if it isn't perfect. Thanks.
Reb Thack
I would make a quilt for my grandmother. She's 97 and living in a nursing home – something to make her room more homey is on my to do list for 2013
I am almost finished with a crimson and white houndstooth quilt for my uncle… He's a huge Alabama fan, so I thought it would be a good gift for him. I'm putting the binding on tomorrow and giving it to him on Saturday. So excited!
I actually AM making a quilt this Christmas… and it's for me! I have needed something for my bed for so long and I am finally inspired! Thanks for the lovely giveaway and Merry Christmas!
If I were to start a new quilt, I'd make one for my sister. However, I have two in the works for my daughters that need to get finished first!
Debra Lee
My husband. I think he always get left out!
I'd make a quilt for my friend who is dealing with some major health problems.
I'm making one for my son and boyfriend.
Thanks so much for such an awesome giveaway! Happy Holidays to You! 
I would love to make a quilt for my eldest daughter who's 16, but she hates my quilting :(( Funny thing tho, she is often snuggled up under one and every time I see that I say…Oh I must make you your own quilt" and she not so politely says no!!!
One of my best friends just had a baby, I'd love to make a quilt for her!
This year I'm planning to finish an spider web quilt I started many months ago ;P.
thanks you so much for this chance to win and Merry Christmas!
I have completed three throw size quilts for Christmas this year and am working on the 4th. The receipients will be my mother, sister and two daughters. It's going to be a VERY special Christmas.
I wish I had time to finish a quilt this month! I have one in progress for my mom. I am making table runners for my family, though!
Melissa Loves Color
I actually made 2 quilts as gifts for Christmas this year: one for my dad and stepmom and one for my sister.
I would sew a quilt for my sister! I love her and I miss her. She lives so far away from me and I seldom got to meet her!
Gun, Sweden
quilt chick
I have made quilts for my five sisters as Christmas presents. One every year until all were made and give. It was really hard on the sister who was the last to receive hers. She loves snow and I made hers a snow scene with pine trees, kids playing in the snow, houses, a barn , sheep and other animals. Because she was last I put all my creative juices into it and she was stunned and shed tears of joy.
Barbara @ Nähtante Quilts
I'm actually making a quilt for Christmas, and the recipient is my DH. I've given away so many quilts for Christmas already, now it's HIS turn.
I would make it for the new grandchild expected in february.
Thanks for the give away!
M. E. Stephens
My nephew's birthday is the 20th and I'd be happy to get his quilt done for him by then, but no way that's going to happen.
I haven't even started cutting the fabric yet. 
BTW – My brother and sister-in-law live near Brisbane.
I live in Texas.
I'm making a wall quilt for my nana this year.
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I'd make it for my husband – he is awesome and is in hospital right now with our 3yr old while I'm at home with sleeping girls. Hopefully they will be allowed home soon.
Lisa E
I would make a quilt for my 15-year-old. I owe her one!
Lisa Cox
If I was to make a quilt this Christmas, I think it would be for my husband. He tends to chill easily and a quilt would be great for his naps on the couch.
Patty D from NC
i did make a mini quilt for my mom but I wanted to make a larger one. thanks for chance to win.
I'd make it for me! Too many of my quilts have been made for others, so it's time I made one for me to snuggle under! thanks for the chance!
I would definitely make a quilt for the lady across the street. She has one son that lives in Santa Rose, CA and a daughter that lives near Gardnerville, Nevad. She is all alone and I think that she would be so grateful to have a homemade quilt to wrap herself in and keep warm in these cold rainy and windy days and nights. Thank you for the chance to win the Layer Cake. I am sure I could find a quilt to make using this. Happy Holidays.
Sandi T.
Sonora, CA
I also made a quilt this Christmas for my granddaughter, but then that's not surprising since she seems to want to own any quilt I make that has pink or purple in it.
I am making a quilt for my grandson, Ash.
I think I would make my husband a quilt – he's been hinting about it for the last six months or so.
If I had all the time and money to make one special quilt it would be for the lurcher and greyhound dog rescue here in the UK and your fabulous prize would certainly help towards it.
thanks for the giveaway
I made doll quilts for my little girls this year for Christmas! Thanks for the chance
I would make a Christmas quilt for one of my daughters this year and next year for the other daughter.
I am making several different quilty things for Christmas. This year my 35 year old hubby started dialysis and things have been really rough… emotionally, physically, and financially. A few good people have helped us out in so many ways, I've been quilting up tabletoppers, tomorrow I'm doing mug rugs, and a few other quilty things to say thank you and Merry Christmas.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Were I able to make one in time it would be for my oldest nephew as I told him that he is next on the list LOL
Fantastic giveaway. I've quilted a couple of table toppers and will give them to my daughter. If I were to make a quilt, I would make a kingsize one and give it to my husband. We need a new quilt for our bed – I'm just afraid of making a king size quilt!
I wanted to make a quilt for each of my Grandchildren but things just haven't worked out to allow me time to devote to doing so. I'll be starting soon to make the first of the three so I can hopefully have hers done by her first birthday in February. The other two I'll have until August to finish theirs.
My eldest son is next on my list for a quilt (and it should have been done already…) Thanks for the opportunity on a great draw and have a Merry Christmas. bonnielarson58(at)gmail(dot)com.
I'd really like to make a quilt for my mother, but she has just moved and seriously downsized, and she want to make a fresh start. She also wants to settle in before she makes and decisions about colours, style, etc. I want to make sure that I make her something that she really wants, so I guess I'll be waiting until next Christmas. Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity.
Lisa in Port Hope
I have a flimsy almost finished for a Christmas quilt…but as a gift, I'd like to do quilts for my neice and nephew.
I would make a quilt for each of my daughters. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would make it for my sweet granddaughter.
Catskill Quilter
I would have liked to finish my son's wedding quilt, but I hope now to finish it in 2013. Happy holidays!
If I would do a quilt for someone, it would be for my son and his girfriend, special for their new home. They moved from here back to Switzerland in August and we miss them a lot. Probably I'll do one before they come to visit in April. Thank you for chance.
I did make a quilt this Christmas for my Dad. It is made of flannel and faux suede and is all soft and cuddly and will keep him warm all winter long!
Lynn Makrin
Love that Layer Cake.
So far I've made three table runners for the Preschool Teacher and the bus driver; Three tote bags for my mother, MIL and sister; and and working on a Fairy panel quilt for my 6 year old.
Fantastic giveaway Santa!!
I am actually working on 3 quilts for Christmas! All for my grandchildren!
made quilts for my brother and his wife and for my best friend for Christmas
I am working on a quilt for my boyfriend!
Anne-Mettes Oaser
Well, I would make a quilt for my granddaugther Laura for her new room.
Thank you very much foir a great give away
Wish you and your family a Merry Christmas.
I'd like to make one for my nephew.
I would make a quilt for my daughter. Thank you for the giveaway.
Jane S.
If I were going to make a quilt for someone this Christmas, I'd make one for my daughter Helen. She is having some pretty severe mental issues right now and if I thought she'd accept a quilt from me, I'd make one for her, a hug from Ma.
Richard Healey
I would make a quilt for my whole family. Oh wait I already did this year.
I AM making a quilt for someone for Christmas! I'm hand quilting a lap quilt for my son.
no quilts for Christmas, but I would like to. happy holidays. hugs Alessandra
The quilt would be for my dear sweet moma and the next one I actually make is gonna be for her. I am working on one but no where near finished with it. Thank you for a chance to enter your giveaway. That is very pretty fabric you have chosen.
Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures
I did make a quilt for someone this Christmas. A new great-niece, Gemma, I just found out about last summer. thanks for a great giveaway.
Just Quilt It
If I was making a Christmas quilt, it would be for my husband. He has some health issues and has been a little down–I think it would be a great pick-me-up!
I have quilt tops made for 5 of my grand children but they won't be finished in time for Christmas…
I made 2 quilts this year. One for my daughter and the first one for my son inlaw. After 3 years of being married to my daughter he is finally quilt worthy:)
If I had time to make a quilt in time for CHRISTmas….I would make one for my "Bestest" Friend!
Thanks for chance to win your Drawing!
I would love to make a quilt this Christmas for my mother-in-low! thank you and Merry Christmas!
No question- my two little girls get almost all quilts I'm making…
Thanks for thegreat givaway!
Kerri Hunter
i have made 3 for xmas tis year one for my mother inlaw, my sister inlaw and for my nephew i do hope they like them as much as ive enjoed making them
Well I was hoping to make one for my husband, but that won't be done by Christmas.
IF I had the time, I'd make my husband his Steelers quilt. I have the fabric & I've made just about everyone else a quilt, poor man is just wait, wait, wait for his quilt
Oh, definitely for my long-suffering husband! Everyone else in the family (and extended family) sleeps under a quilt made my me except for us. He keeps wondering, "where's OUR quilt?"
I am making quilts for my grandchildren. I dont know if I will finish them all but I am trying.
Shepody Mountain Crafter
I would enjoy making a quilt for our new arrival due in May 2013. Happy Holidays!
Debora K
I would give a quilt to my mother-in-law, who is just the sweetest person ever! audiodropzone(at)gmail(dot)com
I am still hoping I get a lap quilt made for my grandson's dad. He is a wonderful father and so kind to my daughter.
I would make a quilt for my mother, who is in the hospital tonight.
Thanks for the giveaway!
My niece is getting a butterfly quilt! Though it won't be ready in time, unfortunately!
Vicki W
All of the quilts I made for Christmas this year were for our local veteran's hospital. Oh, I also made a Grinch quilt for my brother and I am told that his cat loves it!
If I were making a quilt, it would be for my Dad. This is our first Christmas without my mom and they were together since they were teenagers. debbie
If it were for this coming Christmas it would be a doll since that is all I'd have time for. Next Christmas I'd probably make one for the bestie. She's starting the divorce process soon and needs a little hand made goodness.
Erin @ Sew at Home Mummy
My daughter, for sure!
Those are beautiful!
Thanks for the giveaway!
(p.s.: I'm not sure if you'd be interested or not, but I've started a new bee: Simply Solids: a modern {bee}, and we're looking for Australasia members…here's my blog if you want any more info!
I am making a quilt…for my step-dad.
Thank you for being in this fun blog hop. Merry Christmas. I would like to make a quilt for a very dear friend.
Rhonda D.
I have been working on a quilt for my husband. I hope to have it finished
by NEXT Christmas. Thanks for the chance to win!
If I was to make a quilt this Christmas it would be for my friend Barbara. She has had a very tiring year looking after an elderly friend of ours, arranging a good nursing home for him, visiting him in hospital and being there in his last few hours.
Teresa F.
I would make a quilt for charity!
This year it would have to be my brother, his turn is up on the Quilt list.
I'm making quilts for our dogs this year. So, I think that counts! Next time I really need to make one for my DH, he's been left out of all the homemade gifts around here. It's always the grand kids or someone else. Need to make him something special. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway.
I just finished a quilt that I will be giving to my mom this Christmas! Thanks for the giveaway!
Tengo una querida amiga que utilizaría una colcha navideña .Toda su casa es un homenaje a estas fiestas.La comencé pero me falta tiempo y las altas temperaturas no ayudan . Tendría que estar cosiendo ahora mismo.Cariños.
Me encantan sus bloques desesperados.
I would to have time to make one for each of my children and their wife or husband.
Jennifer Gail
I would make it for my mom to keep her warm. thanks
Carmen Nuland
I'd make a quilt for my nephew who lost his mother this year to cancer.
I want to make a quilt for my son who's been sick for several months and has trouble staying warm. The layer cake is beautiful! Thank you!
I just finished a quilt for my mama so I am going to go with that.
I'd love to make one for my mum. She has taught me so much about stitching.
I hope to finish one for my son who just finished college.
Karen O
I wish I would have had time to make a quilt for my Dad. He is next on my list.
Betty B
I would make another quilt for my sister. Thanks for the giveaway!
Dolores Fegan
My new great nephew! I have a few tops to finish before I start another large project. Thank you for the opportunity to win such gorgeous fabric.