Oh, Scrap! and giveaway
“With the brush we merely tint, while the imagination alone produces colour.” Theodore Gericault
Of all the quilts I have made, scrap quilts are my favourites. There is something magical about sewing together diverse pieces of fabric together and turning them into a treasured quilt. Not to mention how much fun it is sorting through bags of scraps and reminiscing about the quilts that were made with these fabrics. Scrap quilts to me are like droplets of water, that by themselves are just a tiny drop of moisture but mixed together they make a glorious ocean, brimming with colour.

Lissa Alexander is not only a vibrant, fun and hardworking person, Lissa is the queen of scrap quilts. For three decades Lissa has utilised the left over pieces of fabric to create awesome quilts which she has combined her love of scrappiness with her passion of quilting and published the most wonderful book – Oh, Scrap!
It was very difficult to not say out loud as I was turning the pages, “Ooh, I like that”. I could visualise my stash shrinking as I turned each page.

I am in love with this delectable pink quilt – Sherbert Stars.
Two quilts which have a special meaning for me are Splendid Scraps and Surrounded. Splendid Scraps is an extension of the 6″ block Lissa designed for the Splendid Sampler™, named Starting Point.
The small, grey stepping stones in this quilt make a wonderful secondary pattern.

The other quilt was part of a APQ quilt-a-long and I used my stash of textured solids and low volume prints.
Replacing some of the solid pieces with low-volume pieces, gave the quilt a very different look.

**** GIVEAWAY **** One lucky person is going to win a digital copy of this book.
Leave me a comment on this post letting me know the size of your scrap stash.
************GIVEAWAY ended. ***************
P.S It’s not too late to visit all Lissa’s friends blogs and join in their giveaways.
3/15/18 | Lissa Alexander | http://modalissa.com/ | |
3/16/18 | Pat Sloan | blog.patsloan.com | |
3/17/218 | Corey Yoder | http://corianderquilts.com/ | |
3/18/18 | Barbara Brackman | http://barbarabrackman.blogspot.com/ | |
3/19/18 | Alison Dale | https://alisonsexpressions.com/ | |
3/20/18 | Melissa Corey | http://www.happyquiltingmelissa.com/ | |
3/21/18 | Carrie Nelson | http://blog.modafabrics.com/ | |
3/22/18 | Sherri McConnell | http://www.aquiltinglife.com/ | |
3/23/18 | Fat Quarter shop | https://blog.fatquartershop.com/ | |
3/24/18 | Teresa Silva | http://quiltingismybliss.com/index.html/ | |
3/25/18 | Jane Davidson | You are here today | https://quiltjane.com/blog/ |
3/26/18 | Martingale Publishing | http://blog.shopmartingale.com/ |

Rebecca Shideler
I don’t have much of a scrap stash yet. I’m pretty new to quilting. Will the quilt police get me if I purchase some fat quarters to fake some scraps?
Due to inheriting a portion of the scraps from a lady that taught me quilting and has passed away, can you believe I have 4 tubs of scraps that I need to find projects just like these in Oh Scrap! to bring it down so my family has some space! Lol! Thanks for opportunity!
Deb Worthman
I have a small to medium size stash.
Kellie W.
I love making scrap quilts. My scrap stash is not huge, but it’s plenty big and ever growing no matter how much I try to dwindle it down. I am not GREAT at coming up with ideas of my own though, so I really do still have to use patterns that some other brilliant person has thought up, and I thank them!
Gigi Voegeli
Bins and bins of scraps (I need this book )!
Pam Knies
Fills a wall in closet.
My quilt stash is on the small side. I need to give it a boost.
Joan M
I have a couple of baskets of scraps and when my scraps get out of control, I give them to my twin granddaughters and they love them. Thank you for the chance to win this lovely book.
Nan Hohenstein
My friends continue to hand me bags full of scraps. I keep trying to tame the piles, to no avail. Scraps are hidden in one large hatbox, four 12 X 12 X 12 inch cloth cubes, several plastic tubs…..you get the picture?
Not very long ago I would have said that I didn’t have many scraps. That was before I intentionally started sewing with them in preparation for a move. I really got a wake-up call! I sewed and sewed and didn’t even make a dent in them! Now I go to my scraps first when I start a new project. I’m slowly making a dent in them. Jadahlgr at Yahoo dot Com
Betty Back
My daughter. who does not sew, was in my sewing room last week. As she looked around she asked if I would ever use all that fabric. I told her NO.
Kathy h
My scrap pile is pretty big. I am looking for some ways to organize them.
My stash isn’t too big yet-but it’s growing! I always seem to have leftovers to turn into pillows etc after making a quilt.
Ann D
I’ll have to say that my scrap pile is not too big, it’s the fat quarters that I have a lot of. I think Lissa’s book would work well in dealing with those.
My scrap stash is not big enough to make all of the quilts in Lissa’s book by itself, but mixed with my stash I could make most of them.
Amy L
Uh oh. I’m facing the scraps today, and I have 3 boot box size tubs, a stuffed Quilt Con 2016 tote bag, a laundry basket and a 20 gallon tub full of scraps. This book may be a godsend…
I scrap stash is out of control!!
LIsa Marie
I would say my scrap stash is size XL. I use scraps regularly, making entire quilts from them, but still they multiply! That’s okay though, making scrappy quilts is something I love to do. This looks like a great book, full of inspiring ideas and photos.
Carole S.
My scrap stash is ridiculous. I’m talking tubs of scraps, not just little bins. If they weren’t already in the basement, the house might implode. I need this book!
Sarah J
I love your comment “I could visualize my stash shrinking as I turned each page”!! That really is a sign of a good book
My scrap stash is moderate, scrap quilts are my favorites!
I have done a good job of managing my scraps…they are ready to use in strips and squares, just not sorted according to color families, just waiting for the right projects. My scraps probably encompass 3 shopping bags full when all is said and done. Thanks for sharing!
Bella Jones
My scrap collection is in plastic bins of all shapes, sizes, and colors! I keep scraps from everything I sew, and love to comb through the pile, remembering, remembering, remembering. Scraps are so happy. We bought the fabric because we loved it, so we love the scraps, too. My scrap collection is a happy place!
Janet T
I do a lot of applique, so it is hard to tell where my stash ends and scrap stash begins. I will cut from my stash, and if I need more, that piece might end up being a scrap. I would say I have way too much of both, and love shopping in it!
Virginia Kopfinger
I have all my 1/4 yards and smaller pieces sorted by color in big plastic containers. I have about 16 or more. When I get ready to make a scrap quilt, I open up all the bins and surround my sewing area with them. That way, I can look in each bin and see what I want to pull out. Works for me.
tooooooooo much i guess would be lovely to have more ideas for the use
Julie Hardgrave
I loved your version of Lissa’s Burgoyne Surrounded!!! I have lots of scraps, sorted by color and I use them often!!! I cannot wait to see this book!
Aidan Farnsworth
Lol — I have had to buy a second basket just for the scraps – But after watching a few youtube videos i have been making an effort to devote 2 hours a week to cutting them down to usable pieces – So i have 4 containers and cut all my scraps to – 1.5,2.5,3.5 and 6.5 Strips or Squares….. Now using those scraps thats something i am yet to tackle but maybe this win would be the little push i need
Nancy Loge
My stash is way bigger than I like to admit; i had good intentions when I bought the fabric, but a full time job and other life issues interfered so it didn’t get sewn, and the stash keeps growing, although very slowly the last few years. I have a large closet mostly full of fabric plus some in my sewing room. I see many quilts I want to make in the book!!
Mom C
When I bought the house next door and turned the basement into a quilting/sewing room I took the fruit room/storage room and turned it into my fabric room. I have drawers of strips and boxes of fabric needing to be cut into usable sizes. I try not to get discouraged, I love to make scrap quilts and do a number for charity but my bins don’t seem to get any less full. I love what you do and how you think. I wish we were going to market, on the off chance you would be there this year. Thanks.
Chris Green
After completing my Splendid Sampler and almost finishing my Farmer’s Wife 1930’s quilt, I am drowning in small leftovers. I would love this book Jane. Thanks again to you and Pat for Splendid Samplering!
Lynne Tilley
My stash isn’t that large yet, but I’m working on it

Ramona Johnson
My scrap stash is plenty big, but I try to keep it tamed. When my 2” strip bin starts overflowing, I make a quilt, rather than grab another or bigger bin.
Emma Somero
I’ve really tried to control my scrap stash, but no matter what, it always continues to grow. I know my collection is a lot smaller than many peoples; but I could sure put this book to use! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!
Nicole Sender
I have a fairly large fabric stash! I have saved scraps for years and my sewing friends have given me their small scraps to use as I wish. I can’t resist a cute remnant or good fabric sale!
Sue Bone
My scrap stash fills one basket and is sorted into colour bags. I try and keep it under control by sharing my scraps for retreat projects. Other people’s scraps are always more interesting than one’s own scraps
I love scrappy quilts! I’d say my scrap pile is between small and medium. Of course it’s all depends on who’s pile I’m comparing mine to, hehe. Looks like an awesome book and I’d love to win a copy.
Been stashing for 20 years! Now that the kids are gone I’m finally ready to quilt. I’m even sorted into color families. Wish me luck, friends

Jaclyn Haidle
For someone who is just staring out and learning how to quilt, I have a medium box size of scraps I need to use, this would be the perfect project for them .
My scrap stash is like a cut and come again pudding, it grows no matter how much I try to use it. I do love thinking that there are pieces of fabric from some of my earliest quilts still making an appearance in current projects. Its almost like a diary of my quilting journey.
Lise Saur
I have a lot og scraps and I love every piece <3
Sue H
My scrap stash is out of control! So many beautiful pieces of fabric … some small, some a bit larger, yet all so lovely.
Joan Brown
I have lots of scraps. I put them in plastic containers.
HUGE! That about says it LOL.
michele breault
I have been quilting since the mid 70s and my stash is huge. too huge. We may be moving cross country to be closer to the grandkids and I am fretting about my stash. what will I take? what will I donate? arrgh.
I need to get sewing double time!
Linda M.
I have quite a large scrap stash. I love scrap quilts, so when I buy fabric, I only buy small pieces.
Kris Perez
The portion of my scraps that are cut to size in the scrap users system occupy about 16 clear shoe boxes. Then, there are two bins waiting to either be cut or usdd in small projects!
Karen Sikes
It is growing, going to have to use them as I am running out of space for them!!!!
Scrap stash…not gigantic….but my fabric stash is. When I was working I stockpiled fabric for when I retired & had more time to sew. Now I’m retired! I often cut “ scraps” from yardage for multi-fabric quilts.
I’ve cut up most of my scraps in squares, using them as leaders & enders; someday they will become a beautiful something! But there’s a bin that has been growing with more! Love the ideas in this book … very inspiring! Thank you!
Not much of a scrap stash here as I made 23 baby quilts last year and that did a great job of using them.
Judy J
I have two totes full of scraps.
I have more scraps than I care to admit
because I don’t throw anything away, I have amassed quit a collection!
I would enjoy making some of these quilts to use up those tiny pieces I cannot throw away.
Allison Evrard
Actually I don’t think my scrap stash is so big compared to other quilters. I have my scraps separated by color in plastic bins. But I don’t save every tiny little piece, only ones I think are big enough to use.
I have a moderate amount of scraps. I try and have at least one scrap quilt going at all times. Even so, the bins keep filling up!
Linda Cates
I have enough scraps to make every quilt in this book! I can’t throw anything away!
Becky Hartley
My stash is growing but not out of control yet! After I finish the 10 quilts I have planned, it should be a respectable size:)
size of my scrap stash? can you say landfill size? well, slight exaggeration but it seems that way sometimes…even tho i’m scrap busting nearly every day! great post!
Mary Kolb
I have a huge bin that I can’t lift that holds my scraps
My scrap stash is probably medium. It would be bigger if I could finish some of the Non-scrappy quilts I have planned.
I have at least 10 bins of scraps, sorted by colour or type of fabric – batiks, flannel, etc. They are just so easy to collect but the challenge is finding ways to use them!
Judy Maggio
My stash has taken over my house. Husband moved out, now I have more room for fabric!
My scrap stash fills a closet with some overflow here and there. Of course it keeps growing!
I put them in bins. Thanks for the chance.
Kathy L
I have bags and boxes of scraps!
size of my scrap stash? are you joking? Let’s just say it’s too big and I’ll never use all these scraps!!!!
I have been saving scraps for many, many years. My stash has grown so large that I’ve had to donate some of the stash to make room for new scraps. IA few years ago, I began cutting my scraps into useful sizes and I now store the cut pieces by size and color which has helped to reduce the stacks of fabric in the stash. Making quilts from this book would help me reduce my stash, too.
Cathy Cavagnaro
I have a very large stash. But if I need more, my mom opens the door to her stash. She calls it the “out of order” room. If I can find it, I can have it.
Darlene B
I have a pretty large stash….I sure wish I had more hours in my week to make use of them! Maybe when I retire
My scraps are in about 20 plastic shoe box sized containers.
Sandy Vanya
A scrap quilter can NEVER have too many scraps!! Count me in for the win, please!!
I store by color in containers–small in plastic with covers larger in bins folded. And have little room left, so I need the book to get started using them.
Loris Mills
This book looks so inspiring! I’m already learning so much about what I need to move forward in using my scraps highlighting the colorways. My scrap stash is somewhat medium size I think. I have cut a lot into useable shapes but still have not got the hang of emphasizing colorways. I can’t wait to learn more and use them in quilts.
Catherine Etter
My scraps are many and yet I am ever welcoming new offerings to come and play along……….
Lynn Jarzombeck
My scrap stash is not scraptastic. I need to add to it. I’ve had the tendency to store larger scraps back with the larger chunk of the fabric that is left. Just love the quilts in Oh Scrap!
I like to use my scraps so I only have 1 bin of scraps.
Verna A.
I probably have six or seven boxes full of scraps.
Nancy Green
scrappy quilts. I have a huge stash of scraps, thanks to friends who gift all of theirs and due to my “dumpster diving” habit at retreat!! Always looking for more scrap patterns to use them in.
Susan Stanton
I would say I have a medium scrap stash and medium fabric stash. I like to have enough fabric and variety on hand when the mood strikes me to start creating a new project!
I probably have enough scraps to make every single pattern in this book. Thanks for the giveaway!
Heather G
My scraps take up 4 bookshelves and are sorted in bins by color. Just a few scraps
kristie jarchow
I am sort of scared to look but I have several ziploc bags visible full of different kind of scraps.However I have bits of FQ’s stacked up and in drawers that are waiting to be cut up the rest of the way for a scrap project.
Yvonne Bullard
I have about 6 bins of scrap fabric
Nancy Currier
I have a large plastic bin for each color scrap!
LoAnn Trowbridge
My stash is big. Have four tubs (big) in storage, plus two big scrap buckets. In my closet I have couple big zip lock storage bags, plus what I have already cut up into strips and squares in plastic drawers, plus zip lock bags sorted by colors.
J.A. Konkel
The size of my scraps is embarrassing. They are in plastic tubs according to color and I had the tubs stacked on the basement floor. One day I came home and my husband had built floor-to-ceiling shelves “so it was easier for me to get to the fabric.” So sweet, so helpful, so embarrassing. But I *can* get to the fabric easier now.
Love the substitution of low volume fabrics in Starting Point – so lovely!!! I have way too many scraps on hand – this would be a great book for me!!
I have several drawers full of scraps, sorted by color.
Pat D
My stash is also out of control. It sometimes hampers my progress in making a quilt and I will just go to the quilt shop and buy new fabric instead.
Julie in WA
I have a huge stash! I built it over a few years by visiting estate sales and buying carefully chosen fabric at bargain basement prices! Once in a while I need to buy a piece or two to fill out the color balance. I am always thrilled with the outcome of quilts from my scrap cabinet!
Stash is out of control! Bags and bins of scraps. Can’t throw them away….. Need to step up my game – more scrap quilts!
Marsha Nelson
My quilt stash multiplies like bunnies. It is every where. I need to make lots of scrap quilts.
Ann Rose
Lots of scraps into organization. Help!
Celia Ambrose
I have a large stash of scrap fabrics. Some are in plastic organizers, some in small bags, and some in a larger container. They just keep growing.
I have too many scraps that I need to use up! This books would fit the bill! tks!
Rita S
Huge and growing, but working on it with my quilting buddie as we are making a pineapple quilt together. So cool!
I love scrap quilts so I buy lots of smaller cuts of fabric, which in turn creates a lot of scraps!
I really don’t know the size of my scrap stash. It’s somewhat organized like red,white & blue in the bottom drawer, Christmas in plastic bags, 30’s and Civil War stay in my stash in plastic totes. I went thru a “get organized” period which resulted in neatly labeled plastic shoe boxes of 2 1/2″, 3″” and 5 ” squares, 2 1/2 strips, 30’s squares & HST, logs of various lengths. They reside on bookshelves in my walkin closet. My UFO projects in pretty boxes still have the scraps to keep them company. Help!!
Terri Mosier
I have a large stash! Growing up I always made fun of my mom for such a large stash, and now she makes fun of me!
Lynn D'Arcy
I don’t have much of a stash but as I start quilting I know I will have scraps as I always buy more fabric than I need. I think I will store the scraps based on color. I have a large number of clear shoe box containers. I am actually looking forward to filling the boxes as it will be an indication that I am making quilts.
Karen in Breezy Point
My scrap apply would probably be on the enormous side—I need this book!
Donna Wingo
My stash takes two rooms.
Sheila Oxley
I’ve only been quilting just over a year and a half and though I’ve been trying very hard to have a nice scrap pile mine is very small. But I’m willing to continue to purchase fabric to build it up!
hahaha I think my favorite quilt you are showing is Kismet, I love blues and greens together.
Suelynn Williams
I think my scraps are too small to make quilts like those shown. I have lots of scraps, and they are are very diverse in size and color.
Susan Albright
I would describe my fabric stash as “ never too much”. My husband however would say “way too much”! I like to be able to audition several different fabrics before making a decision.
Jan A.
I already had plenty of my own, but I inherited a mountain of fabric, some which I’ve donated, when my mother went to the nursing home with Alzheimer’s. She bought so much fabric over the last decade, because she couldn’t remember what she had and always thought she needed more. I made a little kit with a container holding lots of 5″ squares, needles and thread, so she can pet the fabric, and it makes her feel like she’s still quilting.
It`s building all the time. Not sure how much as stashed in draw,bags and boxes.
Gayla Nuss
My actual scrap stash is fairly small, but my fabric stash is taking over my large sewing room with double closets
I consider every piece of fabric eligible for a scrap quilt!
Janice Mockmore
You always need more or different fabric than what you have. Then you have more. And it is always better to have more fabric than you need. You would not want to run out!
I have lots of scraps!
Robin Preston
Wow! That book is awesome! I recently reorganized my scrap stash and debated about cutting them down to usable sizes, but had many suggest to just keep them organized by color until i was ready to use them. …But how do you describe the depth of the stash?I have 16 7×8 tubs organized by color, then another woth baby themed scraps, one with just polka dots, one with chevrons and 3 9x12x3″ tubs that already have specific sizes cut, and then a tub about 9x12x6 with scraps not organized….This book might keep me busy FOREVER! (Well, at least a year! Haha) love your blog!
Ruth Gerkin
Two plastic totes! I love scrap quilts and have used up my scraps several times making them.
Joan Figlar
My stash has taken over my guest room and is on its way to taking over my dining room now. What I need is a good book directing me how to use all these!
Regina Harris
I have a very large scrap stash which I hope to reduce through ideas in this book.
Sandra Butterbaugh
I have about a 2 gallons of scraps. I love making string quilts.
Oh my goodness! I’m a scrapoholic…I’m in scraps anonymous with 4 of my besties. We trade stashes from time to time!
Quit Jane,
I’m kinda new to quilting, so my stash is not heavy on scraps. My stash is enough to make quilts for 3 winters! Thank you for the giveaway!
Elaine Mast
I would classify my scrap stash as small. I use plastic drawer carts to store it by color.
Karen Reynolds
If I unbundled all my precuts, put them all together mixed up, I would have a very large scrap stash.
Susan Jonsson
Is less than a fat quarter a scrap?
I am so not good at tossing anythig…let alone small pretty pieces of fabric….depending on what qualifies as a scrap…. I’d have to admit I have a largish collection!
I must have several bins of scraps collected over 40+ years. Might be a good book to help use some of them.
Susan B
one bine each: 1.5″ strips, 2.5 ” strips, larger scraps (trimmings) and selvedge edges!
Pam McDonald
A scrappy scrap book. Lol. Well.. I have a tote full. I have a medium box full and a few plastic bins. I usually use them for applique and I can find a bigger piece at times I forgot I had. They are beautious all fluffed up in a pile.
I like your string pieced quilt. Thanks for sharing!
Susan B
one bin each: 1.5″ strips, 2.5 ” strips, larger scraps (trimmings) and selvedge edges!
I don’t have a lot of scraps. But I’d like to use up the ones I have.
Elizabeth Ann
My scraps are everywhere – in plastic storage boxes, cupboards, drawers and bags. I don’t keep tiny pieces so some are decent size pieces, perfect for using in a designed scrap quilt, which I suspect would be a technique able to be used with the quilts in the book. I love the title! I also like the idea of using up fabric that I bought but now wonder why I ever did; these can be successfully “hidden” in a scrap quilt where they add to the overall effect.
My scrap stash is separated by color .. I have 6 smallish bins. Plus I have some strips stored separately. This book looks lovely!
gloria green Walls
I would love to have this book…..I make a lot of quilts and have brown bags under my cutting table, and when I square up any fabric, I always put some strips in light, medoum or dark…….I have lots of scraps/bags……but I love mixing up scraps amd being scrapey……..love it…….. gloria g. Wellborn, Florida
I don’t have a lot of stash. I have about 3 shelves about 10″ deep with storage containers, but those include some ufo’s too! Love these scrappy patterns. I’ll bet I could come up with enough scraps to make some of these. Thanks for the chance!
Pam M
One box of patterned fabrics that I can only just get the lid on, and another box which has overflowed into several shoe boxes of low volume scraps. I embarked upon The Splendid Sampler with the idea of using up the scraps. Huh! So much for that idea! I finished the quilt and it is Splendid – even if I do say so myself – but the scraps keep accumulating. Where do they come from??? I’m sorry I was unable to attend the recent Sewco event, Jane – I would dearly have loved to have shown you my Splendid Sampler.
Maureen Haynes
I have a pretty large stash, lots of bins and a shelving unit are full.
Donna Fairchild
The size of my scrap stash is too big to pin point a size. A room with a file cabinet, two book cases and two dressers. Happy Creating.
Marsha B
My stash of scraps isn’t huge, but it is growing. This makes storage a problem in my tiny sewing room. I’d love to win this book and create more space for new fabric!
Gene Black
Hmmm… i have a few drawers, bags and totes full of scraps. I would say it would make several yards of fabric.
Jane Sprague
So far, I don’t think I have much of a scrap stash, although I could certainly make one or two good-sized quilts from what I have. Hmmm ….
kathy pfaltzgraff
Are you asking about volume, or ideas to use it or do you need some extra?? ha I have plenty of stash and so glad that it saves me a trip to the store when I want to try a pattern, or maybe just need a dab of that “color”. Book would be put to use around here. Thanks, Kathy in Colo
Libby Sternes
I have a medium sized stash, which I have been trying to make a dent in! I will continue to chip away at away
I always think my stash is medium sized until I dig into it and then I think it is big . . . But not as big as many I have seen, and I want to fill it out some more.
Tina McNamara
I would say my scrap stash is small to medium.It’s hard to know because it’s unorganized and stashed everywhere.
Hugemungos !!! Have enough scraps to never have to buy any new fabric… which is terrible ! Have inherited my mums stash as wellb
Denise Clason
Hi Jane, I have a very large amount of fabric. It is in 4 cabinets!!

No stash…. just scraps!
Susan Smith
I have a fair amount of scraps, definitely enough to make at least one or two of these beauties!!!
Teresa @Aurea's Kitchen
Lucky for me I don’t have a big stash of scraps, only because my stash of fabric is not too big either. Right now I am planning and organizing my scraps, so this book would be great.
Carol Gouveia
I would be embarrassed to tell you. All I can say is a lot. Probably way more than the average person. I do keep it very organized by color. I could use this book to help thin it out a bit. I also have a lot of scraps that I just can not let go of. I have been making string quilts,which I love to make. Would love this book.
Betty Edwards
I have 3 scrap bins! Not large ones but one is for narrow strips (for strip piecing), one is for itty bitty for paper-piecing and one is scraps not fitting into those catagories. I have a huge fan of scrap quilt so I try to utilize every bit.
Linda Taylor
I have a hard time with organization, so my large scrap collection is housed in a variety of containers.
Kerry Grose
I have a double set of drawers filled with scraps filed according to size. Love the quilts in Lissa’s book.
Patty V
My stash? Well is huge!!! I’ve been quilting for 8 years now and I guess I didn’t toss anything out!!!
Thanks for the giveaway. Your work is awesome!!’
I have a huge stash and continue to add to it!
Karen A
Bigger than it needs to be. I need to make some of these quilts!!
Deborah B.
My scraps are not sorted very well, so it’s hard to say how large it is. I will tell you that if it is a reasonable size piece of fabric I cannot toss it out (or cut it up for pet bed scraps). This book looks wonderful and inspiring. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and the giveaway opportunity.
I don’t have much of a scrap collection, but my fabric stash keeps on growing!
Linda Fleming
I have an assortment of bags with scraps that I’ve collected from other people…!
Maureen Fry
My scrap stash is not that big, I gave a lot away because I recently moved. But I would love this book!
I have sooooo many scraps, so many my son built me cupboards in my bedroom, now my clothes take apup a tiny space and the rest is full of scraps lol
My scrap stash is fairly small. My fabric stash is a totally different story -LOL.
I have sewed or quilted for more than a year plus I just moved. Not all my belongings ended up at my new house. I may never know if any are missing. *sigh* I do have some fat quarters already unpacked.
I should have enough to make a quilt, though.
Anne Andrew
I currently have two very large tubs plus a large pedal bin of scraps which I never seem able to make a dent in no matter how often I make and donate charity quilts. One never knows when you just might need a tiny,tiny bit and besides its fun dipping into the scraps. Memories galore!
I run a chapter of Binky Patrol and come home to buckets of scrap fabrics. I have a room filled with nothing but tubs of scraps sorted by color and kid prints. Most of the ladies in our group now crochet or knit and those that sew will only take yardage. I love..love making scrappy quilts and so everyone gives me the scraps!! Would love to have more patterns to utilize my stash!!!
Judy Chastain
I’ve been making quilts for a few years, and I’m diligently saving my scraps; if I ever stopped to organize them, I’d know if I had enough to make a quilt or two.
I’m really excited about Lissa’s book.
Dawn Tidd
I just started quilting again a couple of years ago but have sewn clothing for years. My stash size isn’t huge (yet) but I have plenty!
Rita Hays
I have two rooms full!
Melody Lutz
I’m scrappy at heart, so about a dozen bins, aorted by color.
Bigger than I’d like. I finally got it down to several large clear boxes and I organized them according to color, but not size. I feel if I can see them, I might come closer to using them.
Janice Holton
Hmm! I don’t even know the answer to that! All my scraps are mixed in with my fat quarters. Time to get organized. I started by buying some little baskets and tying a colored bow on the handle so I would know what color of scraps were in the basket. Now I just need to fill up the baskets!
Helle S.
My scrap stash is probably biggee than I would like to admit to
I love your analogy of scrap quilts to the ocean! I’m not sure how to describe my scrap stash. I would say medium sized, while my husband would say enormous…
It’s grown to medium thanks to the scrap table at our quilt guild.
Laurie Devers
As a beginning quilter, I have not yet acquired a ton of my own scraps. I have inherited many scraps from my mother which are still in garbage bags. I really need a book like this one to get me started on several scrap quilts. Thank you for the opportunity to win a digital copy of this book.
Liz Horgan
I have a pretty good amount of scraps! I’m trying to organize them, but would rather use them!
Ruth Janssen
My supply of scraps is endless! I really need to make more scrap quilts! This book looks wonderful!
My stash is small, just started making quilts.
Rita Wl
I have several boxes separated by color. I could certainly use this book.
I have my scraps organized into two sets of plastic drawers and a few boxes for specific fabric designers.
Maybe a medium amount of scraps….my daughter organized it for me by like color in its own bins. Very helpful!
Becky L.
Oh, I have a lot of scraps! And there always seem to be more showing up in spite of the fact that I make more scrap quilts than anything else.
I’d love a digital copy of this book and could use. Though I’ve made numerous scrap quilts Father’s amount of craps are still never ending!
I swear they proliferate!, lol.
Barbara H
I don’t have a lot of scraps. I store them by type in a plastic drawer organizer. They are sorted by type -30’s, traditional, batiks, wool.
Diantha Howard
I have a few tubs of “stash”. I’ve been sewing clothes for a long time, so some of the scraps go back to clothes I made in high school!
Kathy Howard
I probably have 5 shoe boxes by color of odd scraps and an 8 qt. bin partly full with pieces sorted by width in zip lock bags.
Sherry Jagels
My fabric stash represents at least 35 years of sewing. I have big baskets of scraps of every color. And several plastic drawers of scraps already cut into different size squares. Oh and then there are the boxes of strips for sting quilts. you get the idea!
My stash needs to be put too use before it gets out of control.
My scrap fabric is just enough to make all the quilts in this book. If not then I’ll just add more
My scrap stash if larger than it should be. I have trouble using the scraps
Loretta Parsons
I have lots of scraps and at this time i am sewing the 2 1/2 squares as leaders and enders hoping to make some nice quilters out of them.
Jerri Wedam
Well, I’m embarrassed! Shall we just say, I tell my daughter that I love her to the stash and back. She says I must love her more than any other mommy in the world!
Lois Capper
A closet full of totes on shelves my husband built in my seeing room:-)
Joyce Carter
This book is so awesome! Thank you for the chance to win it.
I cut my scraps up when I make a project into whatever I can get from them. I use plastic shoebox size containers for each size. I have one for my 1 1/2 inch,2 inch, 2 1/2 inch and 3 1/2 inch squares. I also have one for my strips. Since I have been using my 2 and 2 1/2 inch squares to make scrappy sampler quilts, those containers are just about empty.But the rest still are just about full.
Mine is minimal at the moment: I keep 1″, 1.5″ and 2.5″ widths in divided box and another container for larger pieces. When the box is full, I sew the contents and start scrap saving again.
2 big garbage bags. In defense each Summer a group of us meet on Tuesdays and make string quilts for charity so it will be gone soon.
Susan Griffith
I store my stash in bins according to color and my bins are overflowing! Oh no!! I really need this book to help me out!
Margaret Fitzgerald
Ohh I have only one 55 litre tub of scraps.. This lovely book could surely make a bit of a dint in it!!
Cathy c
I have several bags and baskets of scraps and am just starting to get them organized. I love scrap quilts, so my collection of scraps is quickly growing
Terri S
I tend to purchase fat quarters, so my stash is more scrappy. Some organized and much needs to be organized again.
Olivia Marie Lott-Reese
total of 12 bins color code with scraps. Then there 4 additional scraps bin broken down into four category 2.5, 3/3.5, 5 and assorted cuts waiting to be cut down.
Donna W
I have a medium size scrap stash. I seem to always need more.
…embarrassing, boxes and boxes and boxes
My scrap stash has taken over the guest room closet. Good thing I don’t like company
My scrap stash is very large and not all in one place. The scraps are mainly unorganized with a few bins here and there, with other piles on top of yardage.
I have resolved myself to accept that I do not need to save every scrap; however I also save my batting scraps. I found myself using my rotary cutter cutting up my smaller scraps of batting and putting them in a flower pot on the patio hoping the birds will weave them into their nests for the eggs they lay this spring!
I cut my scraps into strips in different sizes, from 1” to 3” as the largest. Wonderful book and quilts!
Patricia Hale
My scrap stash is in a large box… a very large box!
Jenni Thompson
I love making hexagon quilts, mainly half inch sides and also see a lot of items for charity so I have scraps galore in boxes and drawers all around the house. Most of my fabric comes from other people, charity shops and car boot sales and I love the challenge of using unwanted fabric to make something new.
Karen Frank
My stash is quite large, every piece is a treasure. I have two medium size bins with plastic bags sorted by color. This book looks like it belongs at my house. My favorite quits that I always return to our scrap quilts.
I have more scraps than I will ever be able to use as they seem to multiply. I would love a copy of this book. Thanks.
I think half of my fabrics are scraps. I think I am a scrap buyer, lol! These are beautiful quilts!
Janice Hope
I have soooo many scraps that need to be used. They need to be sorted and made in some fun quilts.
Rebecca Peters
I have 5 bookcases full for my fabric/scrap stash. What a pretty site – all the colors and patterns.
Linda Williamson
My stash isn’t very large yet. It’s growing slow and steady. I like to buy bundles and use them in scrappy quilts. Love this new book and the blog hop has been amazing. grinnie1961 at gmail dot com
Is “huge” a size? My scraps are controlled – all cut into squares and strips so they’re ready if/when I’m ready to use them. Right now I’m using my narrow strips to wrap clothesline which will then become a basket. It feels good to use up some scraps!!
Janet A Crossman
I volunteer for Victoria”s Quilts, we give a free quilt to people undergoing cancer/treatments. I collect every piece of throwaway scraps all our volunteers have at the end of a day of sewing. They call me the scrap lady. I do use them daily making more quilts for VQ but very little is not used. Even tiny pieces are used to make mile-a-minute or crazy quilts.
Eva Emilie
Oh how I love the look of ALL those quilts!! Often times scrap quilts are made with tons of mixed colors which I do not fancy at all – but these quilts in color tones are fabulous!! New to quilting, so I do not have many scraps yet, nevertheless, I have tons of fabric that could easily be turned into scraps
Chris K.
I have several bins with scraps sorted by color, and one bag of strips.
Diane R.
Scrap quilts are my favorites! I have my scraps (mostly) neatly organized and use them all the time!
Mary D
I absolutely love scrap quilts. So most every fabric I own I have cut scrap strips from for future projects. I have a generous scrap stash just waiting for several of the projects in this book.
tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Nancy Page
I have recently become very fond of doing all things scrappy. I have scraps in the closet and in numerous numerous medium sized bins full of scraps. Sounds like this is a book I could make use of. Thank you for this great giveaway.
Jackie P.
I have eight 2 gallon jars of color sorted scraps. Then we need to talk about the two bags of recent quilt and dress making scraps that have yet to be sorted and stored. Shaking my head, i have a lot of scraps.
My scrap stash…..it’s pretty big! I keep scraps sorted ny size then light and dark in four rolling stackable toy bins from ikea.
My scrap stash has been contained in one very large tub so far. I have overflowed the tub and think it is time to get to making some scrap quilts to make room for more.
Tabitha Keener
I have many coffee cans and several bins of scraps I’ve been saving! This book is definitely an inspiration to use them up and make something beautiful! Thanks
Lisa C in Dallas TX
I used to throw leftovers in a trash can. When the can was full, I’d make a scrap quilt out of the contents. Then I started cutting 2.5″ and 3.5″ squares out of my scraps. Now I have a shoe box full of each and I’m in the process of cutting what’s left in the can into either squares or strips. Otherwise, I have a small stash compared to many.
Gwen Wehner
I am in the process of moving – and I am totally amazed at the amount of scrap accumulation!!
I have a large quantity of scraps store in containers by designer. I would love to win this book.

I used to throw all my scraps away! Shocking I know! But I’m wiser now but still only save them if they are bigger than a 2 1/2 square. If there was a contest on who has the most boxes of scraps, I might just be in the top 10 of scrap hoarders! Therefore . . . I really NEED this book!
Celeste Delostrinos
My scraps are mostly sorted by size. I have separate boxes for 2”, 2.5”, 3”, 3.5”, etc., all the way up to 6.5” squares and overflowing bins of 2” and 2.5” strips. It’s easier to find what I need to make scrap quilts that way.
Sharon Treece
I have a plastic tub full of “SCRAPS” that I should really use up. This book would make it so easy to use them up. If I don’t win, I will definitely be purchasing this awesome Book. Thank you Jane, and all the designers who sponsor these wonderful give-aways.