The Full Monty
Going to my car to pick up the kids from school I noticed the dog barking wildly at something next to the garage. It was no other than …..
Monty the friendly neighbourhood Carpet Python
Monty slithers from house to house in search of food and water. He is now over 2m (6ft) in length and often turns up in the most oddest of places. After I came back from school, Monty had moved over to the new extensions and was happily making his way into the roof space.
Carpet Pythons are non venomous snakes that mainly feast on small rodents. On the occasion, a large one like Monty will eat a bat, chicken or small dog.
I just had to touch his tail ( much to my children’s horror ). They are so smooth.

Linda Coleman
you're a braver person than me. Just looking at a snake gives me the creeps. Here in Ireland we don't have any (thank you St Patrick, story goes he drove them all out of Ireland many hundreds of years ago, truth is they probably don't like the cold wet weather here)
Jo in TAS
I'm with your kids on that, EEeeew!
By the way how big is your dog??
Oh dear I can't even look at the pictures
The thought that he could eat my little poodle, who only weighs 2 1/2 kilo's is pretty horrible. I'm so glad he lives in your street, not mine.
I do have to admit though, he is very beautiful. I have held a python and the way their muscles ripple down their bodies as they move is pretty mind boggling. The one I held at Melbourne Zoo was called Monty Python too.
Sharon - Lilabelle Lane
Ewww ….. Just the photos are freeking me out! We have way to many snakes here in Aust and it's the one think I hate about Summer because they come out … eww eww eww!!!!! :o)
I'd be moving out of that neighborhood! If I survived the heart attack.
I'm so thankful we don't have anything like this in the UK!
Fenland Textile Studio
What a beautiful snake. Hope he doesn't stay in your roof space! The only wild life I see are barn owls and foxes which (sadly) have cost me quite a few chickens.
Lee Ann
I would have screamed, run inside, quickly look it up and then realize that I screamed for nothing. LOL.
Cool Pics!
Dan R
That is a handsome snake. Eating rodents? He's doing God's work.
Oh my gosh, if I now have a snake nightmare I am so going to–well I have no idea but I would have freaked out!
Me and My Stitches
All I can say is EWWWWW! (Shiver, shiver).
I'm not a big snake fan, but this is a great story. I love how it's the "neighborhood" snake. If I knew for certain it wasn't poisonous, I'd probably touch it too.
Samelia's Mum
I'm with your kids… YIKES!