Desperate Housewifes Quilt,  Uncategorized

The first 18 weeks of The Desperate Housewife’s Quilt if you Wish Along

1. DHWQ Week 12 – Diamonds in the Rough, 2. DHWQ Week 11 – Kiss Kiss, 3. DHWQ Block 10 – New from Old, 4. DHWQ Week 9 – All washed up, 5. DHWQ Week 8 – Board Games, 6. DHWQ Week 7 – Salt n Pepper, 7. DH6 Week 6 – Phillip Screwdriver, 8. DHWQ Week 5 – Flower Power, 9. DHWQ Week 4 – Bar Jello, 10. Desperate Housewife Block 3 – Evolution, 11. DHWQ Raindrop – Block 2, 12. DHWQ Block 1 – Eight Squared, 13. DHWQ Week 15 – Chocolate Box, 14. DHWQ Week 14 – Venetian Blinds, 15. DHWQ Week 13 – Umbrella, 16. DHWQ Week 16 – Caught in a Web, 17. DHWQ Week 18 – Reflective Surface, 18. DHWQ Week 17 – Swing me around on the Hill hoist

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