Book Reviews,  Giveaway

Celebrate the Seasons – book giveaway

My very talented and delightful friend, Pat Sloan has published her 37th book! Celebrate the seasons has 14 easy quilting projects to reflect the beauty of each season and decorate your home.

This book, as with all Pat’s books, has easy to follow instructions supported by great plentiful illustrations, tips and tricks.

Pat has gathered many of her quilty friends to share this wonderful book release. Visit here for details.

There are so many great quilts and companion projects in this book but the blue and white Nordic Winter Dreams would have to be my favourite. I love the crisp definition of the blue and white solid fabrics. This quilt is definitely on my to-do list.

Nordic Winter Dreams – quilt and wall hanging

Visit Martingale to enter in this fabulous giveaway. Open until March 12.   

I have one copy of the book to giveaway. Tell me about your favourite season in the comments.

(Hardcopy to US winners and a digital copy to winners outside the US. Winner will be drawn 12th March 2019).

Hello Spring wall hanging

Isn’t this a gorgeous wall hanging? Perfect for Spring. I love the hidden hearts amongst the tulips.

Celebrate the season can be purchased here or here.


  • Valery Klassen

    Thanks for the chance to win! My favorite season is summer when we get to spend more time outside than inside.

  • Dixie McAdam

    My favorite season is Fall …. love the smells & various colors that come with cooler temperatures.

  • dbuggy1

    I love spring! Life is renewing itself again and everything is turning green and blooming! I just love it!

  • Judith Blinkenberg

    I enjoy sewing in the spring. There are wonderful floral prints and that’s when I make most of my quilts. Thank you.

  • cathy k

    Spring is my favorite season.. I like shedding the winter coats for something lighter. I am waiting for the spring flowers to start popping up.

  • Susan Berteaux

    My favorite season are three of the “between seasons” Between spring/summer; between summer/fall, between fall/winter. Lol!

  • Susan

    I like all the seasons for different reasons, but I guess Fall would be my most favorite. I like the cooler temps, the changing colors, and the scents. Spring would be next in line for the emerging flora and colors that have been dormant all winter. Also Easter is in the Spring and that is my favorite holiday. Winter would be third as I like the scenery after a snowfall and there is something striking about the lack of color that I like. It is almost calming. Summer would be last only because I don’t like the humidity that generally accompanies the heat in my neck of the woods. The best part about summer is the amount of sunshine.

  • Malinda Dagenhart

    My favorite season is summer. I love the heat and the slower pace of life. Summer reminds me that I need to enjoy a vacation, go to the beach and enjoy all the wonderful fresh produce.

  • Hanya Moschner

    I love Spring. Wonderful to see all the blooms in the garden and a new vigour in everyone’s step.

  • Corinne Lake

    Right now I am very anxious to welcome Spring. It has been a cold and rainy winter for us in California,

  • daisyandjack

    I’m with you Jane – the Nordic Winter Dreams quilt is fabulous !! Spring is my favourite season – all those delightful bulbs and new life everywhere – very energising 🙂

  • Linda Fleming

    Now, this is looks like one wonderful book to have ! All of the quilts are so beautiful.

    Spring is my favorite season.

  • Donna W

    Spring is my favorite time of year. Love to see the fields getting ready for planting and the buds on the trees and the grass turning green

  • Angela

    My favorite season is Winter, specifically Christmas! I love spending time with my family, making gifts, & making new memories l

  • Liz Horgan

    I love spring when so much comes back to life! Fall is my next favorite–love the colors of both seasons!

  • Vickie Bell

    My favorite season is Fall. I like the cooler weather, the leaves and all the beautiful colors that go along with it.

  • Karen Seitz

    Fall is my favorite season. I love the beautiful colors, the crisp air, and the spicy smells. And quilts!

  • Carol G

    Well, right now my favorite season is spring. I can hardly wait for it to arrive..If I won the book the first thing I would make would be tulips. That would put me in the spring mood. The books looks wonderful.

  • Maureen Fry

    My favorite season is Autumn. I love the colors and the falling leaves to walk in with my grandchildren!

  • linda s.

    Hard to choose – I detest the short dark days of winter. Otherwise, all season have their pleasures. I think spring must be my perennial favorite, though.

    🙂 Linda

  • Sue Nugent

    My favorite season is spring. I love to see all of the buds on the trees and the flowers popping out of the ground.

  • Jan Taylor

    Spring..Spring … and more Spring. Daffodils, Tulips, Flowering Trees … what could be more uplifting. New beginnings….Life is Good….

  • Christi

    I love Spring. New flowers, green grass, trees are green again, Humming birds return, warm weather, plant the garden. All is right with the world.

  • Marty

    Spring! After 40 yrs in the northern beautiful state of Alaska, 8 mos. out of the year was winter, I was already ready to bring on spring!

  • Cynthia Helms

    Fall is so enjoyable after a long, hot summer. The colors come out and are a feast for the eyes. And I am such a sucker for all of the fall fabrics! 😊

  • Donna

    I love Fall! I was born in Fall and love Fall leaves with golds, oranges, reds in colors, plus the season is warm in daytime with cooling at evening. It is just a great time to be outdoors too.

  • Nancy Thone

    I love spring. Winter lasts a long time in Wisconsin (this year we were blessed with a lengthy polar vortex and tons of snow!). Spring is such a relief when it finally rolls in – sometimes it seems that the grass turns green over night!

  • Rosemary Orner

    Winter. I love the Holiday Season. Making special quilted gifts for others makes the inner child in me so happy.

  • April Lopez

    I’m a total summer girl. I love the warm sunshine, which I’m craving right now. I love being in my pool. Although we have a couple weeks over 110 which is not fun.

  • Linda Pyke

    I love Spring! All the flowers beautiful colors after a long long grey and white winter! And the intoxicating scent of lilacs!!

  • Allison Evrard

    My favorite season is spring. I can’t wait for things to turn green and the flowering trees to bloom!

  • Brenda Hulsey

    My favorite season is fall. I love the fresh crisp mornings, the time of harvest. Thoughts of fall break for the grandkids and what we will do.

  • Debby Errigo

    Summer is my favorite season with the long warm days, but I love quilting for Christmas all year long! Thanks so much for the chance to win 🙂

  • Rita Scott

    After the cold winter in Iowa this year I’m more than ready for Spring. Thanks for the chance to win Pat’s new book.

  • Jacqueline V

    Hi There,
    I lijke the Fall…it’s still late Summer here in September so not too hot but still sunny out.
    Thanks & Quilty Huggs

  • Barb Mapes

    I just love the colors of fall. Its such fun to decorate with quilts made of oranges, browns, and rust colored fabrics.

  • Laura M

    Sorry, this may be number 2 as there appeared to be a problem last time. I love the fall with the crisp air and the beautiful colors.

  • farmquilter

    I like the warm of summer so I make most of my quilts for the cold of winter! Her snowflake quilt is my favorite too!!!

  • Pat Vannoy

    I enjoy all the seasons but winter is my favorite …as long as I can be inside and enjoy the view of the outdoors.

  • Gail Smith

    I love the beautiful colors of spring. I always look forward to it after the drab and cold winter. I do love sewing Christmas projects, though, with the bright red, green, and gold fabrics.

  • Rose Pullen

    Spring is my favorite because the earth is renewing itself. Second favorite is Fall with all the Fall colors. God is so good and I can see His hand in all of nature. Thanks for the the giveaway. You are so precious and generous.

  • Karen McMahon

    I love Autumn where the weather gets cooler- perfect for quilting. The colors are so inspiring. Thanks for the chance to win.

  • Kathleen Dalecio

    I like Spring and Fall the best. However, I’m picking Spring as my favorite because I love tulips and Pat’s Tulip quilt and Spinning Tulip Table Runner are fabulous! Thanks for the Giveaway opportunity!

  • Cindy Krutsinger

    My favorite season is summer. The warm sun, the gentle breezes, the blooming flowers-I just love everything about it!

  • Machelle

    I love fall, everything about it! The colors, cool days, bon fires, and the opportunity to slow life down a bit after the busyness of summer.

  • Karen B.

    I tend to do more for fall. Love pumpkins, leaves, colors. But, I also make many things ie. gifts, quilts, decor, runners, hangings etc for Christmas. Love your new book.

  • Linda Welk

    I love spring and the opportunity to be in my yard and enjoy nature. But…if I want to sew I get more accomplished during the winter as our weather in definitely a reason to be at the sewing machine. Love Canada 🇨🇦 but the winters can get very cold! Thank you for the opportunity to win an awesome prize.lgw

  • MoeWest

    I like spring when my garden starts to grow again. Pat’s tulips would be perfect to welcome spring.

  • Rita Wilson

    My favorite season is spring when we get flowers outside and can spend time enjoying them there.

  • Charlene Daniels

    I love spring when everything is turning green, flowers are blooming and trees are budding and the birds are singing.

  • JennyH

    My favorite season is fall. The sharp tang in the air, the rich colors, the feeling that season is turning. It makes me feel alive.

  • Ann McMillin

    Thank you for this opportunity to win! My favorite season is Autumn, as I love the bold colors of the falling leaves, the Apple cider donuts, and the harvests from the garden!!! Oh, I’m a new reader to your blog, and am looking forward to exploring it further!

  • Kathy E.

    I adore Spring! After a long Iowa winter, the warmer weather is so welcome! With the return of the robins, the first tulips, the bits of green in the grass and the last of the snow piles melting, it’s the best! duchick at gmail dot com

  • Robin Broun

    Autumn! I love everything about it. The colors, the smiles, the feel of it. Gorgeous pumpkins and lovely leaves. How exciting for chance to win! Have a great evening! – Robin

  • Kim Frederick

    I love Spring lots of sunshine and everything is blooming. Longer days so we can sew!! Would love to win this book 🙋🏼‍♀️😉

  • Kim Boerner

    Christmas will always be my favorite season. There’s Santa, reindeer, snowflakes,k snowmen, holly, mistletoe, presents, so much….

  • Linda Cwynar

    Love Pat’s books with your help too the patterns look great. Love Autumn. I want a copy I will buy it at my favorite quilt shop.

  • Jeanne Peterson

    Fall is a gloriously colorful and refreshing season. I love the fall colors for my quilting fabrics, so rich and homey.

  • Rachell Reilly

    I love all the seasons and I’m grateful to experience all of them in Utah. I think my favorite is Spring, when everything is growing and blooming and waking up. My favorite season to quilt for is winter: Stars, snowflakes, sparkly white, blue and purple, and Christmas colors! I can’t wait to make Pat’s Nordic snowflake!

  • Susan Salo

    Generally I’m a fall person, but this year I can’t wait for spring! New flowers, no more snow……..

  • Rachel C

    Great giveaway! I’d have to choose spring as my favorite season only because of how much I am so looking forward to it right now!

  • Quilt Schmilt

    My favorite season is winter. What better reason to sit with a nice, bright, snuggly quilt in your lap while you stitch on the binding! I try to save a bunch of quilts to finish the binding in winter for just that reason!
    Carol Andrews

  • Amanda Adams

    I love fall! I think its because of all the changing colors and it’s so beautiful to quilt with them.

  • Brenda Stonesifer

    I love the change of seasons all year but springtime is my favorite. The beginning with forsythia, redbud trees and daffodils followed by dogwoods and tulips are so beautiful and uplifting. Don’t forget the greening everywhere. Wish it could last longer but a ride further west from here shows springtime Bloons a week later. Many thanks to Pat Sloan for all you do!
    Brenda Stonesifer

  • Lori Morton

    I love all the Seasons..but Fall is my favorite! The colors are so full of Sparkle & shades. Thank you for chance to win this book! Love the Tulips!! (Ready for Spring here :D)

  • Pat Hitchcock

    Spring! Each year the same flowers, blooming trees and shrubs suprise again and again. It’s delightful

  • Deb Girotti

    My favorite season is spring….i love working outside in the flower beds and putting in new mulch.

  • Dawn Tenneson

    My favorite season is fall and holiday, but I love the tulip design and would proudly have it in my home!

  • Tammy

    Winter is my favorite season to sew, but after the winter we have had, I am ready for any season but winter. I’m tired of being cold and looking forward to summer!

  • Joyce Carter

    Spring is my favorite season because everything is coming alive and turning green. Green just happens to be my favorite color. Thank you for the chance.

  • Beth Talmage

    Since moving to the cold, grey, rainy Pacific NW, summer has become my favorite season. This Southern Cal native needs her sunshine!

  • Cynthia Knight

    My favorite season is fall. I’m ready to slow down for summer do some fall cleaning and start decorating my house for fall and Thanksgiving. In New Mexico we don’t have all the vibrant colors like back east. We do have the cottonwood trees and aspens. So I like to bring in more colors. Thank you for hosting this giveaway.

  • Ann Elizabeth Haugland

    Normally, I LOVE winter…BUT after record snowfalls and now extreme melting, I’m ready for spring! I have gotten more quilts made this winter however! 🙂

  • JackiesStitches

    Love, love, love fall! I live in Florida and the break from the long hot and humid days is so nice. Those sunny, crisp days with a blue sky…I love them! We also travel north in the late fall to see the colors. In Florida we don’t get those!

    37 books! WOW!

  • Marie Eddins

    Fall is my favorite season ~ the colors are breathtaking, the air feels refreshing cooling off the hot summer, and it gets me in the mood for sewing!!

  • Machelle M.

    Fall is my favorite season. I love the warm colors of autumn, crisp cool air and the opportunity to slow down after a busy summer.

  • Paula Strickland

    I love Pat’s patterns. Would love to win a copy of this book. Fall is my favorite season, but need some fun summer time quilts.

  • Janie Nichols

    I love spring, having baby’s on the farm, and all the great smelling flowers, Gods beautiful creations, love your new book

  • Alana

    I love Spring when things turn green again after gray and white winter! Speaking of love-Pat’s creativity and enthusiasm. She is contagious!

  • Rosemary Orner

    Winter is my favorite quilt season. A time to slow down and enjoy family and friends. A time to snuggle with a good book and your trusted quilt. A time to share your quilted treasures with those you love. A time to sit by a fireplace and dream of all the quilts you want to make. A time to share with those that are less fortunate and suffering in so many ways. A time to love just a little bit more. A time to create magical memories and remember days gone by. A time to have a childish whim. Eat that cookie. Make that snow angel. Ride on a sled. Build that snowman. Be dazzled by the lights. Always Believe ❤️

  • Janet Sabol

    I hope there’s still time to enter. My favorite season is summer. In winter I do a lot of quilts and am trying to catch up to have just as many for summer.

  • Dee

    Is it too late? My favorite season is Fall when the colors are so great on leaves and those are my favorite colors to use in quilting projects also.

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