Aurifil Designer Blocks 2014 finish
December marked the last month of a fabulous year of blocks from the Aurifil Designer BOM 2014. To finish the quilt I framed each block in a spool and set them on point with a specially designed spool block in the centre.
The words, “Love is the thread that binds all quilters” is embroidered on the block.
The PDF pattern for the centre spool block can be found here and the on-point lay out design instructions can be found at www.patsloan.com or www.auribuzz.wordpress.com.
Fabric – Mama Said Sew by Sweetwater for Moda.
(I think we should all petition Moda to reprint this collection ).
Binding fabric – April Showers by Bonnie and Camille for Moda.
Thread – Aurifil 50wt cotton 2620 for piecing and 50wt cotton 2600 for quilting.
Quilting Design – Got Thread by Karen Thompson.
Blocks by :
Jan – Brigitte Heitland http://www.farbstoff-bridge.blogspot.com/
Feb – Amy Gibson http://www.stitcherydickorydock.com/
Mar – Emily Herrick http://crazyoldladiesquilts.blogspot.com/
Apr – Angela Yosten http://blog.angelayosten.com/
May – Amy Smart http://www.diaryofaquilter.com/
June – Heidi Pridemore http://heidipridemore.blogspot.com/
Jul - Camille Roskelley http://camilleroskelley.typepad.com/
Sept -Pat Wys http://www.silverthimblequilt.com/blog/
Oct - Jane Davidson http://quiltjane.blogspot.com/
Nov -Scott Hansen http://bluenickelstudios.com/
Dec – Carrie Nelson http://lavieenrosie.typepad.com/
I have enjoyed participating in the 2014 BOM and look forward to sewing along with the 2015 team.
For details about the 2014 BOM and upcoming 2015 BOM which starts 12th -15th January, visit the Aurifil Blog.

Jenny of Elefantz
Girl, you excelled my expectations! WOWSER.
Fabulous quilt and how innovative that on an Aurifil BOM you made each of your blocks into thread spools!! VERY clever!! Auriful IS the only thread, isn't it?? :-))
Oh the quilt has come up beautifully! The on point spool design is stunning! I love your centre block, it really does set the quilt off so well! Thanks so much for sharing the block design, I downloaded it when you first showed it- with stitchery in mind, not being much of an applique-er
how lovely to have a quilt with so many quilters taking part. Our MQG are doing one this year but I am not joining in but will follow what they are all doing. They are starting with a 12.5" block and making a medallion one I think
This is really fabulous! I love it.
Rebecca Stevens
You start the petition for Mama Sews and I will be the 2nd signature after yours! I have looked and looked. Love this quilt.
Kat Scribner
This is a most awesome and inventive way to display those blocks. It is just beautiful!
Amy DeCesare
Oh, this is fantastic! I love the color palette you used. If you start up a petition for a reprint of Sew, Mama Sew, I'll sign it! That is such a great line, and your project show it off perfectly!!!
Amy DeCesare
Ooops! I meant to say the Mama Said Sew fabric line – I get that wrong half the time!
Cindy MW
OMG Jane you have done it again, I am so amazed with your work and where your mind goes. Can't believe i am the first to comment. I came here from Pat Sloan Flickr Page. Haven't checked my emails yet for a notification from you page.

Anyway, this is magnificent, absolutely love it. Gorgeous Quilting too. I am grateful once again the for net as i would never see any of these masterpieces if I / we didn't have it.
Thank you for sharing. Hugs
Gorgeous! Love that setting.
I love the layout and the center block for the 2014 Aurifil blocks. I have the December block to complete and then I am looking forward to putting my quilt top together. I love this!
Leslie Frost
Fabulous setting!
Wowser quilt! The best spool quilt I've ever seen. Add my name to the petition for a reprint of Mama Said Sew – made one quilt from that line and loved it. Maybe one is not enough though? Fascinating the illusion the black text print gives to the background – on my monitor it looks almost 3D – sort of modern smocking – or perhaps no-one else can see that and it's just my wonky eyesight LOL!