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    Hexies that take your breath away

    Melody over at The House on the Side of the Hill blog has been making the most breath taking hexies to create her version of ‘Confetti’, a pattern designed by Irene Blanck. Melody has been using mostly the beautiful, rich…

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    Nesting Hexies

    I have just added to my little shop two sets of nested hexagons. Sizes: 1/2″, 5/8″, 3/4″, 1 1/4″, 1 1/2″, 1″, 2″, 3″, 4″ and 5″  Only 39.95 + P / H

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    Lots of goodies in the mail today.

    Melody, from my hexagon swap, has sent me this delightful and cheeky flower. (Sorry, the chocolates never make it out of the post office). I love it. It is like one of those paintings where the eyes seem to follow…

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    Thank you Hexie from Ingrid

    Lately, when I clear the mail box, I find a little surprise waiting for me. This one is from Ingrid in Denmark. Ingrid is part of our hexagon swap and she wrote, “The children symbolise that we are from many…

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    Just because ……

    Behold, in the mail this morning was a large, yellow envelope filled with beautiful hexies. The lovely Anorina from Samelia’s Mum had made me some hexies – just because ….. What a beautiful thing to do. I am deeply touched…

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    Another printed whim

    This is my second attempt at (personal) fabric design. One of my colours came out a little too light but nothing I cannot fix. Once again you can see my addiction with hexagons. I have a plan for this piece…

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    A printed whim

    I am a great fan of Spoonflower and one day decided to whip up a design in Illustrator (in 5 minutes flat) and make a sample of fabric to play with. Being an avid hexaculturalist, my design emerged as hexagons…